This is a Magi (XMG) mining and staking (mPoW/mPoS) calculator.
You can use the calculator on MagiZAP website or you can download UI.html file and open it for example in your browser.
UI.html files are connected to mProfit Host ( by default.
Feel free to use
as a server for your calculator.
magi_rpc_user =
<-- Your RPC username in magi.conf.magi_rpc_password =
<-- Your RPC password in magi.conf.magi_rpc_ip =
<-- IP address of the RPC host. (localhost = =
<-- Port of the RPC host in magi.conf.host_ip =
<-- IP address that you want to host on. ( = all IP)host_port =
<-- Port that you want to host on. (443 is the main port for HTTPS)allowed_origins =
<-- Allowed IP addresses that can connect to your server to use the calculator.pem_file_location =
<-- SSL/TLS certificate file location. (needed only for HTTPS connection)key_file_location =
<-- SSL/TLS private key file location. (needed only for HTTPS connection)periodic_reset_timing =
<-- How often to refresh the server to avoid errors in seconds. (server can sometimes get stuck)time_between_requests =
<-- Time that must pass in order to accept new request in seconds. (spam prevention) -
Edit or add URL/IP of your server:
fetch('', ...
(example) -
If you have static public IP address, you can use port forwarding between your local server IP and the public IP address.
If you also have a domain, then you can assign this IP to it through DNS record.
Made by MagiZAP - XMG multi-tool website.
XMG donation address: 976Q8kRwiRGcMsKgoHVAgAagCXMpE2NsZ1