🖥 Website – https://arthcoin.com
📖 Documentation – https://docs.arthcoin.com
📲 Telegram – https://t.me/mahadao
ARTH is a new type of currency designed to not be pegged to government-owned currencies (like US Dollar, Euro, or Chinese Yuan), but still remain relatively stable (unlike Gold and Bitcoin).
Without being influenced by government-owned currencies, ARTH will be immune to inflation. Through stability, ARTH also becomes a superior choice of currency for means of trade. This is unlike Gold or Bitcoin, which are used more as a store of value rather than a medium of exchange.
yarn compile
# setup ganache and set the private key at METAMASK_WALLET_SECRET=...
npx truffle deploy --network development
yarn generate-deployment development
- Decimals used in oracles
- Checks & Effects patterns
- Parameter and precondition checks
- Flashloan vulnerabilities w/ Uniswap oracles (12hr twap)
- Ownership & Permissions of all public methods
- Ownership to Timelock contract to Multisig
- Emergency actions need to be revoked