Conferenece Management System
step 1: Pull the repo
step 2: Run below commands in the root directory which is coference-management-system in your local
1. Create seperate environment (eg: Django_SSDI) in python for this project.
2. To activate virtual environmeent
venv\Django_SSDI(Your environment Name)\Scripts\activate
3. Install django
pip install django
4. install postgres db
pip install psycopg2
5. Create superuser for django
username: admin
password: password
email :
6. Install postgres and create the following database with PG Admin 4.
db name: 'CMS_Database',
username: 'postgres',
password: 'admin',
host : 'localhost',
7. Additional information to create the django project and application.
Below commands works only with python environment where django is installed
To Start Project:
django-admin startproject ProjectName
To Start Application:
1. Navigate inside the project upto
2. python startapp ApplicationName
step 3: Create models in django and make migrations by running below commands in project folder python migrate
python makemigrations ApplicationName
python sqlmigrate api 0001 (0001 is the prefix of file create in migration folder of the application)
python migrate
step 4: Finally, to run django server use command.
python runserver