As a passionate Frontend Developer well-versed in MERN Stack technologies, I am also a dedicated graduate student at the National University. Currently, I am enhancing my skills in React, MongoDB, Firebase, Node.js, Express.js, and Next.js. My goal is to achieve pro-level proficiency in development, and I am actively seeking job opportunities to grow my skills to the next level. I love exploring new technologies regularly, as I aim to be well-prepared for any stage in the future
π± Iβm currently learning Javascript ,Next Js,MERN Stack
π¬ Ask me about React JS, Front End, MERN Stack
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Front end: React Js.
Backend: Node Js, Express
Database: MongoDB
Authentication: JWT, Firebase
UI Framework: Tailwind CSS (DaisyUI)
Tools: Tanstakc Query Features: EduForge is an Educational Website. Mainly it is course-selling website. Teachers can add their course to their account on the website and if the admin accepts his teaching as a teacher and courses then General Users (Students) can purchase the course and they can learn anything by purchasing the course. This is Fully Responsive for Mobile and Tablet that's why users can use this website by phone or tablet. This website has a Different Dashboard for admin, Teachers, and general USers. The website is Secure with JWT and Firebase authentication.
Live Link:
Client Site Repo:
Server site Repo:
Front end: React Js.
Backend: Node Js, Express
Database: MongoDB
Authentication: JWT, Firebase
UI Framework: Tailwind CSS (DaisyUI)
Features: This is Unity Food means Food Donation Website. There are many people wastages their food. and here people can Donation their food freely and help poor people with their extra food. Anyone can freely sign up here and if the admin accepts the donator then the donator can publish their food. overall admin and donator manage this program through this website.
Website Link: or Website Link:
Client Site Repo:
Server site Repo:
Front end: React Js.
Backend: Node Js, Express
Database: MongoDB
Authentication: Firebase
UI Framework: Tailwind CSS (DaisyUI)
Features: Az shop is a branding Products Selling website. By using this website Admin Can manage Product selling to the customers. This is Fully Responsive. here general users (customers) can buy any brand's products on this website.
Live site Link Here:
Client Site Repo:
Server site Repo: