For recording the blood donor's info to contact when a patient is in need.
This web app builds as a prototype project. PHP Laravel.
Donor can input his information(Name-BloodType-Mobile No.-Email-Adress:(gov->city)) and after submitting ,he will receive thanks mail to saving his info on the web site.
Patient to get the proper donor according to (Adress:(gov->city)) and BloodType) has two options:
1- can input his information (PatientName-Needed BloodType - Hospital Name - Mobile No.- Adress:(gov->city)) and the will search in the donor's Database for the compatible donors, and send to them "Blood donate Request" mail attached with Patient info.
2- Make a direct search for the proper donor by filtering with (Adress:(gov->city)) and BloodType) and
the compatible donor's Phone numbers will displayed.
Deployed on Heroku :
Donors API :
What things you need to install
Project location , Terminal:
composer install
Database :
import BloodDonation.sql to your Database
edit your environment file according to Database & Mailtrap
- Laravel - Laravel framework