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Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.

ToDos: Extra points to implement but I don't have enough time for:

  • Put each svg icon in a separate component to make the code cleaner
  • Add meta tags for better SEO performance
  • Globalize a function that can get the name_ar, name_en, and similar keys according to the current language in a mixin, or use a composable or provide and inject so it can be accessed anywhere instead of prop drilling the nameKey computed variable in some components.

How does the columns' data sync?

  • On drag and drop change: Update the localStorage, and Pinia state with each change

  • On refresh: When the app mounts in (App.vue - line 74) -- check if the localStorage has any stored data. If there is, add it to Pinia Storage In (TodosOrganizer.vue - line 171) component watch for any data change in Pinia storage and update the component state with it.

How does the theme or language change indirectly?

  • On theme or language change: Update the localStorage, and Pinia state with each change

  • Listen for any change to the theme or language values in the localStorage in (App.vue- line 87) and handle the data accordingly.