this function built from scratch with enhanced improvements like:
- Add special character for padding
- Reverse string
- ROT13 string
- Print numbers in Binary
- Print numbers in Octal
- : left-justify (right justifivation is the default)
+ : prefix the value with (+) if it's positive.
$ : padding the remaining width with C character
# : used with o, x, X specifiers the value is preceeded with 0, 0x, or 0x
(num) : minimum width
* : the width is not specified in the format string, but it will pass as an argument
. : specifiy the precision
n :_
|--> if n == 0, then no characters will be displayed
|--> for floating specifiers (f, lf, LF) specifiying
| the count of the numbers after the decimal pointer
|--> for integer specifiers (d, i, o, u, x, X) the minimum
| number of digits to be written, if the value to be written
| is shorter than this number, the result is padded
| with leading zeros. the value is not truncated
| even if the result is longer
|--> for string (s) this is the maximum number
of characters to be printed
| %c : unsigned char DONE |
| %s : string DONE |
| %r : reverse string DONE |
| %R : ROT13 string DONE |
| %p : void* DONE |
| %d, %i : signed int DONE |
| %h : signed short |
| %l : signed long |
| %ld : signed long int |
| %u : unsigned int |
| %ul : unsigned long |
| %f : float |
| %lf : double |
| %LF : long double |
| %b : binary rep |
| %x / %X : signed hexadecimal |
| %o : signed octal |