This is a Project of making a 2-player TicTacToe game using python and OOP principles
this is the game principle
this is the refrence of making this project by Eng: Islam Codezilla
- the game starts by displaying a welcome message
- each of the players enter their names and symbols respectively
- the game starts by displaying an empty board & displaying the main game m
- each of the 2 players take turn to play (place his symbol in empty places on the board)
- the game ends when a winning condition occures
Note: c more details about the classes, items, and methods are provided in code docstrings
This class construct both players objects
- name
- string: only letters
- symbol
- string: only a single letter
- set_name()
- set_symbol()
- print_player()
This class constructs, displays & modifies the game's main board
- board
- a list of lists [3*3] that contains
- display_board()
- insert_symbol()
- clear_board()
This class displays the opening, each-turn menu & end-game menu
- display_open()
- display_end()
This is the main constructor of the game and includes its main logic and functionalties, with the assocciation of other classes
- player
- Player():
- board
- Board():
- menu
- Menu():
- player_index
- intger: only 0 or 1
- start_game()
- set_players()
- play_game()
- play_turn()
- check_draw_condition()
- check_win_condition()
- get_winner()
- reset_game()
- quit_game()