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Falsk Part

Mahmoud Mabrok Fouad edited this page Apr 20, 2020 · 1 revision

Flask is most used framework for making API for machine learning and deep learning applications.

To create API we need two parts

  1. Wrap the model: code that deal with model and return response.
  2. Building the app: This is where we communicate with the client and build an actual API with Flask.

To deploy api to be accessed using end users we use Heroku that need :-

  • Procfile :- configuration file.
  • main:- code of api, define routes and its functions.
  • requirements.txt:- contains list of packages needed in code.
  • model.pkl :- serialized pre-trained model.

Flask code :-

from flask import Flask , request , jsonify
from sklearn.externals import joblib
import numpy as np 

app = Flask(__name__)

# main path (root )
def hello():
    return "Hello Every One To Qurany App"

def uploadfile():
    // do logic here, load model, predict values. 
    return "Result" 

if __name__ == '__main__': = True , port= 5874)

it consists from

  1. import statments.
  2. creating instance from flask app.
  3. define end points using @app.route(path).

end point with more details

  • First define end point (route) using @app.route(path)

  • add to route definition ttype of requests such as GET, POST, ..etc.

  • create function and return response.

  • receive data from client:

    • Form-url encoded :-
    • raw json:- request.get_josn["file"]
    • files :- file = request.files['file']
  • return response as json using jsonfy by using

    return jsonify( result = str(file.filename))
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