Want to know more about me? Have a look at My Portfolio Website
- 🔭 I’m currently working on something cool and exciting 😉
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Deep Learning, Functional Programming and Flutter Development
- 💬 Ask me about anything related to Python, Linux, Data Analytics or Machine Learning
- 📫 How to reach me: mainakc24365@gmail.com
- ⚡ Fun fact: I ❤️ 🐈s,🎼🎵,💻
- Data Science enthusiast📊🖥
- Machine Learning enthusiast (with special emphasis on regressions and trees)🌳⛰️
- Deep Learning enthusiast (Perceptrons and their biases are my addiction)🧠🏻
- Web Developer (Fullstack, comfortable with Django and WAMP stacks, learning MERN)🕸️
- Computer Vision enthusiast🤖
- Linux Shell Scripter🐧
- Blockchain Developer💰
- Competitive Coder (HackerRank Coding Practioner : 5✨ in Python coding; 5✨ in 30 Days of Code challenge; 2✨ in SQL; 2✨ in Statistics | Codechef 3 ⭐ Rating 1633 💻🖥💻)
- Streamlit Webapps developer📱
- Quantum Computing Researcher📕
My Github Rank : Check Here
Repository 📚 | Stars ⭐ | Forks 🍴 | Issues ❌ | Pull Requests 🖋 |
Git Steps | ||||
Notebooker-Pro | ||||
ML-Algorithms | ||||
MainakFolio | ||||
MainakRepositor |
- My Idols (Great souls, who have moulded my life) : SWAMI VIVEKANANDA and Dr. APJ ABDUL KALAM 🙏🙏🙏.
- Person who inspired me the most : Sir Ratan Tata
- Favourite Person : My Parents 💖
- Favourite Sport : Cricket
- Favourite Sportstar : Mahendra Singh Dhoni and Sourav Ganguly
- Favourite Singer : Arijit Singh