Keywords: Python, Console art, Recursive
The goal is to render a tree defined by a list of values in "UTF16-art." Each internal node of the tree always contains two items: the node's name and a list of children (not necessarily in this order). The name can be any object except a list. Example of a trivial tree with 1 node: [1, []].
[[[1, [True, ['abc', 'def']]], [2, [3.14159, 6.023e23]]], 42]

The tree is rendered from top to bottom, left to right. Node Representation:
A node is represented by its name, which is the string serialization of the object defined in the node.
A node at depth N is indented from the left by N×{indent} characters, where {indent} is always a positive integer > 1.
If a node has K children, arrows will be drawn as follows: To the 1st to the K-1th child, an arrow starts with the character ├ (UTF16: 0x251C). To the Kth child, an arrow starts with the character └ (UTF16: 0x2514).
The arrow to a node's child always ends with the character > (UTF16: 0x003E; the classic "greater than" symbol). The total length of the arrow (including the starting character and >) is always {indent}, with the filler character being the repeated character ─ (UTF16: 0x2500).
All children of a node are connected at the arrow's starting point with a vertical line │ (UTF16: 0x2502); this is where the starting character is neither ├ nor └.
If a node's name contains the \n character, do not indent the rest of the name after this character.
Each line is terminated with the newline character \n.
For invalid input, the implementation must raise an exception: raise Exception('Invalid tree'). Ensure the code style is compliant with PEP8 (you may ignore the line length requirement - C0301 and use single-letter variables in justified cases - C0103). Test this using pylint --disable=C0301,C0103 Use only built-in methods (i.e., no importing of additional modules).