WIO (Whole-In-One to Go) allows you to develop subcommands in Git way still keeping them in a single binary by embedding executables in a binary
You know Git, right? Git implements variety of subcommends in a simple and
extensible way, in that you can implement your own git foo
only by placing an executable named git-foo
in your $PATH
One of the benefit of this way is that you can use any language you like
to implement your own Git subcommands. And actually, some of Git commands
are implemented in Shellscript or Perl.
On the other hand, one of the beauty of Go is a single binary, which is portable and easy to distribute, deploy and execute.
I dreamed the combination of the flexibility of Git and the simplicity of Go. That's where WIO was born.
Clone Git repository and run the build script.
For Linux and macOS:
$ git clone github.com/Maki-Daisuke/go-whole-in-one
$ cd go-whole-in-one/cmd/wio
$ ./make.sh install
For Windows:
$ git clone github.com/Maki-Daisuke/go-whole-in-one
$ cd go-whole-in-one\cmd\wio
$ .\make.ps1 install
First of all, make your project directory:
$ mkdir mycmd
$ cd mycmd
Then, init your project:
$ wio init
This command creates the following three files:
$ ls
main.go pack.go packing-list
Build and run it:
$ go build
$ ./mycmd
usage: mycmd [--version] [--help] <subcommand> <args>
It works! But, nothing interesting happens, yet.
Now, implement your first subcommand in Shellscript:
$ cat <<EOS > mycmd-hello
echo 'Hello, world!'
$ chmod +x mycmd-hello
Then, build it using wio build
, and here, do not forget to add the path
to your subcommand, that is the current working directory in this case,
into PATH environment variable:
$ PATH=`pwd`:$PATH wio build
$ ./mycmd hello
Hello, world!
You made your own command having a subcommand. Hooray!
You can copy it to another machine:
$ scp ./mycmd another-machine:~
$ ssh another-machine
another-machine> ./mycmd hello
Hello, world!
It works! You don't need to copy mycmd-hello
, because it's just a single
binary executable.
You can easily add more subcommands. Let's add one more:
$ cat <<EOS > mycmd-jsonpp
jq . $*
$ chmod +x mycmd-jsonpp
You made it! But wait! This shellscript does not work on machines without
since it depends on it.
Don't worry. You can embed jq
by adding it in your packing-list:
$ echo jq >> packing-list
$ cat packing-list
# This file was generated by wio-init.
Let's build it and use it on the other machine:
$ PATH=`pwd`:$PATH wio build
$ scp ./mycmd another-machine:~
$ ssh another-machine
another-machine> ./mycmd jsonpp
jq: error while loading shared libraries: libonig.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Oops! It doesn't work... Ok, you need Oniguruma
to run jq
. Let's add it into the packing-list
$ echo /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonig.so.2 >> packing-list
$ PATH=`pwd`:$PATH wio build
$ scp ./mycmd another-machine:~
$ ssh another-machine
another-machine> echo '{"my":"cmd","hello":"world"}' |./mycmd jsonpp
"my": "cmd",
"hello": "world"
It works, hooray!
As you see, you can embed any kind of file you want, and make self-contained binary executables.
In fact, wio
command itself is a WIO-application.
See its source code for an example.
command has three subcommands as follows.
The all subcommands are intended to be called in the your project directory,
that is, where main
package resides.
Initializes a new WIO application project with boilerplates.
As a result, it creates tree files: main.go
, pack.go
and packing-list
Generates and/or updates pack.go
, which all embedded files reside in,
in regarding to paking-list
Shortcut for wio-generate && go build
You can embed any file by adding in packing-list
wio generate
reads packing-list
, compresses listed files, and then
embeds them into your application code.
- Each line shows one item
- That is, a file to embed
begins comment- Text from
to end of line is ignored
- Text from
- Wrapping white characters are ignored
- Thus, the line
foo bar # comment
is equivalent tofoo bar
- Thus, the line
- Look up commands by default
- The line
means,wio generate
looks up a command namedfoo
in your PATH
- The line
- If a line contains
or platform dependent path-separator, it is regarded as file path instead of command- You need to prepend
when you embed a file in the current directory - E.g.
- You need to prepend
- You can use file glob like
- That indicates to embed all matched files
- Wildcards can be used for commands. That means, to look up all commands matching glob from PATH, and embed all of them.
Essentially, it has three phases: Generate -> Deploy -> Execute
Generate phase is processed by wio generate
It lists up files specified by packing-list
and compresses them and
generate Go source code which contains compressed data embeded.
You need to run wio generate
in your project directory when files
you want to embed are changed.
You can run go generate
instead of wio generate
. It essentially
does the same thing, but go generate && go build
is more common idiom
and handy when you use other generate-compatible packages.
This phase is kicked when a WIO application is executed first time.
It decompresses and unpack embedded files into a cache directory
under system's temporary directory (which is usually /tmp
on Linux).
This process is executed only once per user. Each user has her/his own cache directory, which can be read only by the user who executed the command. In other words, users who cannot run the command cannot read/write files embedded in the command. That keeps your confidentaial data secure.
Finally, this phase executes your command. But, before executing the command, it prepares execution environment. More specific, it sets the following three environment variables:
- This environment variable holds path to cache firectory in which WIO unpacks embedded files.
- This allows subcommands to access embedded files during execution.
- WIO prepends path to cache directory at the head of
environement variable. - In other words, when you invoke a command in subcommands, it will search command executable in the cache directory at first.
- WIO prepends path to cache directory at the head of
- This allows subcommands dynamically link shared libraries embedded.
- In cotrast to
, WIO appends cache directory at the tail ofLD_LIBRARY_PATH
. That means, libraries you specify take a priority. - On macOS (Dawrin),
is set instead ofLD_LIBRARY_PATH
After setting those environment variables, it looks up approapriate subcommand and executes it.
on macOS (Darwin), it does not work
as expected in most environments, unfortunately.
Because of security concerns, DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
is ignored by
SIP-protected binaries including /bin/sh
. And, SIP (System Integrity
Protection) is enebled by default on El Capitan and newer.
Thus, the example above to use jq
does not work on macOS.
However, you can explicitly set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
by yourself like this:
jq . $*
This works as you expect.
Sometimes, you want to implement subcommands in Go and integrate them in
your main command, because it's less overhead.
You can do it by implementing wio.Command
interface and registering
it as built-in subcommand with wio.Register
For your convenience, you can use FuncCommand
type. For example:
func main(){
wio.Register("mycmd", wio.FuncCommand(func(subname string, args []string){
fmt.Println("This is my command!")
See API reference for details.
WIO registers the following predefined built-in subcommands by default:
- Shows simple help message
- Shows version number
Yes, --help
and --version
look like options, but they are actually implemented
as subcommands.
Of course, you can customize your subcommands as you like by editing your main.go
See Godoc.
The Simplified BSD License (2-clause). See LICENSE file also.
Daisuke (yet another) Maki