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Codebase for Built with Terraform/Terragrunt, Ansible, MicroK8s, and GCP.

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Spirit of Brogan

Source code for the website

Built with Terraform/Terragrunt, Ansible, MicroK8s, and Ghost. Ghost infrastructure consists of a single-node K8s cluster, two pods each with persistent volumes.


This show how to prepare your local machine for development. Command instructions are included for Mac installation.

  • Install Terraform v1.7.4
  • Install Terragrunt >=0.55.13
cd spiritofbrogan/
brew install tfenv
# Install Terraform version from .terraform-version
tfenv install
# Optional
tfenv use v1.7.4
brew install terragrunt
terraform --version
terragrunt --version
  • Install Ansible
brew install pipx
pipx ensurepath
pipx install --include-deps ansible
ansible --version
  • Install MicroK8s
brew install ubuntu/microk8s/microk8s
microk8s install
microk8s status --wait-ready
# You may want to `microk8s disable ha-cluster` with a single-node installation
microk8s enable dns cert-manager dashboard dns registry istio ingress hostpath-storage
  • Go to GCP console. Create a new project. Create a GCP service user with "Edit" permission in that account. This will be necessary for executing Terraform. Enable Compute Engine API for project.

  • Download and reference GCP service user credentials file.

cd spiritofbrogan/
mv <your_gcp_key_name> keys/gcp_credentials.json
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="$(pwd)/keys/gcp_credentials.json"
  • Initialize Terragrunt
cd tf/live/gcp
terragrunt run-all init
  • Generate SSH key pair for VM access.
cd spiritofbrogan/
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out keys/devops_user.pem
openssl rsa -pubout -in keys/devops_user.pem -out keys/
ls -l keys
  • Generate CSR and private key files for domain name.

  • Configure other private files

    • tf/live/admin_vars.yaml
    • k8s/01-secrets.yaml
    • k8s/04-config.production.yaml

Launch and Install

Provision the infrastructure with Terragrunt. Configure and deploy the K8s Ghost application with Ansible.

cd tf/live/gcp
terragrunt run-all plan
terragrunt run-all apply

# Get VM ephemeral public IP from GCP, store in ansible/inventory.yaml

cd ../../.. # back to project root dir.
ansible-playbook ansible/health_check.yaml
ansible-playbook ansible/install_microk8s.yaml

# SSH to remote VM
ssh -i keys/devops_user.pem devops_user@<vm_public_ip>

Setup Kubeconfig (basic)

We can use the default microk8s config like so:

  • SSH to Ubuntu machine
  • Run microk8s config -l to generate the default kubeconfig for loopback access.
  • Merge this config output with your local ~/.kube/config file, or spiritofbrogan/.kube/config.
  • Set the current-context if necessary.
  • Setup SSH port forwarding so that your maps to the remote
# Set the custom path to kubeconfig
# export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/.kube/config
# Check that the microk8s-cluster context is selected
# microk8s kubectl config get-contexts
# SSH localhost port forwarding tunnel.
ssh -L localhost:16443:localhost:16443 devops_user@ -i keys/devops_user.pem
# Check connectivity
microk8s kubectl get pod -n ghost-k8s
# or
kubectl get pod -n ghost-k8s

Ghost site

Access website Ghost console at Create your admin user. Download and enable a theme for the main site to become available.

Resize an existing microk8s-hostpath Persistent Volume

Say that the ghost static storage is getting full. The commands below demonstrate how to resize the existing static storage PV without data loss. Adjust the pv accordingly, and the new storage in GiB.

microk8s kubectl get pv -n ghost-k8s # Get PV ID

microk8s kubectl patch pv pvc-7aa7e7b5-be0c-4231-a900-68913ccf7f34 -p '{"spec":{"persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy":"Retain"}}'

microk8s kubectl get pv -n ghost-k8s # Check RECLAIM POLICY is Retain

microk8s kubectl delete -f k8s/06-ghost-deployment.yaml -n ghost-k8s

microk8s kubectl delete pvc ghost-k8s-static-ghost -n ghost-k8s

microk8s kubectl get pv -n ghost-k8s # check STATUS is Released

microk8s kubectl patch pv pvc-7aa7e7b5-be0c-4231-a900-68913ccf7f34 -p '{"spec":{"capacity":{"storage":"11Gi"}}}' -n ghost-k8s

microk8s kubectl get pv -n ghost-k8s # check CAPACITY is 11GiB

microk8s kubectl patch pv pvc-7aa7e7b5-be0c-4231-a900-68913ccf7f34 -p '{"spec":{"claimRef": null}}' -n ghost-k8s 

microk8s kubectl get pv -n ghost-k8s # check STATUS is available

# Edit 02-pvc.yaml static-storage PVC. `storage` to match with the PV. `volumeName` to match the pv ID.

microk8s kubectl apply -f k8s/02-pvc.yaml  -n ghost-k8s

microk8s kubectl get pvc -n ghost-k8s

microk8s kubectl apply -f k8s/06-ghost-deployment.yaml -n ghost-k8s

microk8s kubectl get pod -n ghost-k8s

# Verify that the pvc is mounted, with the right size, and the site comes back online.

Import existing K8s resources into a Helm chart

Create a basic Helm chart, with a subchart for ghost-k8s.

We can see that Helm does not manage these resources when it is lacking the Labels and Annotations:

kubectl describe secret mysql-ghost-k8s -n ghost-k8s
Name:         mysql-ghost-k8s
Namespace:    ghost-k8s
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
# ...

Run the below commands to add Helm metadata to existing resources.

# Kudos to for the bulk labelling script.
RELEASE_NAME="<your_release_name>" # Was chart-1711855390

kubectl label namespace/$NAMESPACE
kubectl annotate --overwrite namespace/$NAMESPACE$RELEASE_NAME
kubectl annotate namespace/$NAMESPACE$NAMESPACE

kubectl get -n $NAMESPACE $KINDS -o name | xargs -I % kubectl label -n $NAMESPACE %
kubectl get -n $NAMESPACE $KINDS -o name | xargs -I % kubectl annotate --overwrite -n $NAMESPACE %$RELEASE_NAME
kubectl get -n $NAMESPACE $KINDS -o name | xargs -I % kubectl annotate -n $NAMESPACE %$NAMESPACE

# Now our K8s resources have the Helm Labels and Annotations:
kubectl get deploy -o name -n $NAMESPACE | xargs -I % kubectl describe % -n $NAMESPACE
# Name:               ghost-k8s
# Namespace:          ghost-k8s
# CreationTimestamp:  Mon, 18 Mar 2024 18:39:44 -0600
# Labels:   
# Annotations: 2
#            chart-1711855390
#            ghost-k8s
# ...

# If you do not provide --namespace, Helm may target whatever is assigned to `$HELM_NAMESPACE`, which is most likely "default".

# Install the Helm chart
helm install --dry-run=server $RELEASE_NAME --namespace $NAMESPACE .
helm install $RELEASE_NAME --namespace $NAMESPACE .


  • Show dashboard locally for remote cluster.
  • Add Vault service to K8s cluster with ConfigMap.
    • Vault contains the secrets (DB credentials), ConfigMap can manually or automatically source from Vault. Check out plugins for connecting them.
  • Look into Golang custom K8s libraries. How they define K8s modules (via api: ) that we can call and instantiate.
  • Sidecar pattern on application pod for logging and metrics collection.


Thanks and gratitude to these creators and references that I have sourced code from:


Codebase for Built with Terraform/Terragrunt, Ansible, MicroK8s, and GCP.






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