- [Code Challenge 1 - Java Programming - Classes , Objects and Members]
- [Code Challenge 2 - Java Programming - Operators & Control flow statements]
- [Code Challenge 3 - Java Programming - Packages, Strings, static, final, and Coding Conventions, Input-Output]
- [Code Challenge 4 - Java Programming - Inheritance & Polymorphism, Abstract Classes & Interfaces]
- [Code Challenge 5 - Java Programming - Collections Framework and Generics]
- [Code Challenge 6 - Java Programming - Nested Classes, enums, Multi-threading]
- [Code Challenge 7 - Java Programming - Date & Time API, Database Implementation & JDBC API]
- [Code Challenge 8 - Java Programming - Lambdas & Streams]
- [Fuel Consumption Calculator]
- [Bill Generation]
- [Display Characters]
- [Highest Percentage]
- [Movie Ticket Calculation]
- [Find Season]
- [Lucky Number]
- [List of prime numbers]
- [Number Palindrome]
- [Increment Calculation]
- [Factors of a Number]
- [Highest Mark in Each Semester]
- [Least offer]
- [Search a Course]
- [Validate PAN]
- [Print unique characters]
- [Palindrome]
- [Cumulative sun in an Array]
- [Numerology]
- [InitCap]
- [Array Compatibility]patibility)
- [Find and Replace]20Replace)
- [Employee ID Validation]
- [Password Generation]
- [DreamTek Company]
- [Employee Salary Calculation]
- [Ticket Price Calculation - Static]
- [Student Details - Constructor]
- [Average and Grade Calculation]
- [Shape - Area Volume Calculation]
- [Contact Details of Hosteller]
- [Account Manipulation - Abstract class]
- [Vehicle-Loan-Insurace - Use Interface]
- [Employee Loan Eligibility - Polymorphism]
- [Array Manipulation - Use try with multi catch]
- [Divide two numbers - Use finally]
- [Register a Candidate - User defined Exception(with throw and throws)]
- [Insurace Bazaar]
- [Inner Class]
- [Book Manipulation]
- [Member Manipulation]
- [PhoneBook Manipulation]
- [Count of Each Words]
- [Visitors Details]
- [Retrieving Data from file]
- [Presist Employee]
- [Number of New Words]
- [Add Flight using JDBC]
- [Mall Parking System]
- [Validate Name]
- [Auditing]
- [Travel Agency]
- [Employee Loan Eligibility]
- [Placement Enrollement Count]
- [Fruit Basket Estimation]
- [Employee Promotion]
- [Search for Train- JDBC]
- [Player Selection System- JDBC]
- [Code Challenge 1 - RDBMS Select Statements]
- [Code Challenge 2 - RDBMS DDL & DML]
- [Code Challenge 3 - Functions & SubQueries]
- [Code Challenge 4 - Function-Scalar & Aggregate]
- [Insert Records - Department]
- [Department name based on block number]
- [Student and their Department Based on City]
- [Car rental system - Create Table]
- [Car rental system - add new column]
- [car rental system - Insert values]
- [Hunger eats - change datatype]
- [Hunger eats - update table]
- [Hunger eats - Change the field name]
- [Delivery Partner details based on rating]
- [Car details based on type and name]
- [Customers having gmail id]
- [Car & owner details based on car type]
- [Concatenating Details]
- [Hotels that took order based on month]
- [Rental details based on date]
- [Customer contact details]
- [No of time rented by each car]
- [Review of delivery partner based on rating]
- [Total sale daywise]
- [Hotels not taken orders in a specific month]
- [Hotels that took order more than five times]
- [Credential details]
- [Maruthi car owner details]
- [Cars not taken for rent]
- [Hotel_info]
- [Customer mail details]
- [Order details]
- [ACTB Connection Portal]
- [Consignment Booking - New]
- [Address Book - New]