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All katas are based on project: tdd-katas


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Before you start:

  • Try not to read ahead.
  • Do one task at a time. The trick is to learn to work incrementally.

This kata demonstrates the problems of static scoped functions and objects.

All tests should always pass, regardless of environment conditions.

  1. Write a Greeter class with greet function that receives a name as input and outputs Hello <name>. The signature of greet should not change throughout the kata. You are allowed to construct Greeter object as you please.
  2. greet trims the input
  3. greet capitalizes the first letter of the name
  4. greet returns Good morning <name> when the time is 06:00-12:00
  5. greet returns Good evening <name> when the time is 18:00-22:00
  6. greet returns Good night <name> when the time is 22:00-06:00
  7. greet logs into console each time it is called

String Calculator

Made popular by Roy Osherove.

Before you start:

  • Try not to read ahead.
  • Do one task at a time. The trick is to learn to work incrementally.
  • Make sure you only test for correct inputs. there is no need to test for invalid inputs for this kata

This kata is one of the simplest and best ways to practice step-by-step fluent tdd, and provides an easy way to get proficient in a language.

Write a method add under an object StringCalculator that, given a delimited string, returns the sum of the numbers in the string.

  1. An empty string returns zero '' => 0
  2. A single number returns the value '1' => 1 '2' => 2
  3. Two numbers, comma delimited, returns the sum '1,2' => 3 '10,20' => 30
  4. Two numbers, newline delimited, returns the sum '1\n2' => 3
  5. Three numbers, delimited either way, returns the sum '1\n2,3\n4' => 10
  6. Negative numbers throw an exception with the message '-1,2,-3' => 'negatives not allowed: -1,-3'

stop here if you are a beginner. Continue if you can finish the steps so far in less than 30 minutes.

  1. Numbers greater than 1000 are ignored
  2. A single char delimiter can be defined on the first line starting with // (e.g //#\n1#2 for a ‘#’ as the delimiter)
  3. A multi char delimiter can be defined on the first line starting with // (e.g. //###\n1###2 for ‘###’ as the delimiter)

Prime Factors

Made popular by Uncle Bob.

This kata demonstrates the transformation priority premise.

Write a function generate under a module PrimeFactors that, given an integer, returns the list containing the prime factors in numerical sequence.

  • 1 should return []
  • 2 should return [2]
  • 3 should return [3]
  • 4 should return [2,2]
  • 5 should return [5]
  • 6 should return [2,3]
  • 7 should return [7]
  • 8 should return [2,2,2]
  • 9 should return [3,3]
  • 4620 should return [2,2,3,5,7,11]

Bowling Game

See the original presentation.

This kata demonstrates the power of doing tests first, and how up-front design decisions can change and give way to a simpler implementation by coding iteratively.

Write a BowlingGame object with methods roll(pins) and getScore().

This will be the game engine which follows the rules of bowling:

  • The game consists of 10 frames, in each frame the player has the ability to knock down 10 pins.
  • The score for the frame is the total number of pins knocked down + bonuses for strikes and spares.
  • A spare is when the player knocks down all 10 pins in 2 tries. The bonus for a spare is the next roll.
  • A strike is when the player knocks down all 10 pins in 1 try. The bonus is the next 2 rolls.
  • In the tenth frame a player who rolls a spare / strike gets an extra roll(s) to complete the frame.
  • No more than 3 rolls can be rolled in the 10th frame.


Original repo & author

This kata is different on purpose: there is no example code to refer/compare to. It leaves more room for exploration of different approaches.

  • Write a program that returns array of numbers from 1 to 100, while multiples of three return "Fizz" instead of the number, multiples of five return "Buzz". Multiples of both three and five return "FizzBuzz".
  • Add a way to change range, instead of printing numbers from 1 to 100. Examples: numbers from 1 to 20, from 15 to 50.
  • Add rules for 7 and 11: 7 returns "Foo", 11 returns "Boo" and multiples of both return "FooBoo".
  • Add new rule for numbers smaller than 16 which return "Small" and a rule for numbers bigger than 95 which return "Big".
  • Common multiples should be concatenated, e.g. number 21 is "FizzFoo" and number 77 is "FooBoo"
  • Add ability to change rules for initial requirement, instead of "Fizz" (multiples of 3) return "Buzz", and instead of "Buzz" (multiples of 5) return "Fizz"
  • Add new rule for "multiples of 3 and 5" return "FTW", and for "multiples of 3 or 5" return "GG"


TDD katas






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