Node.js based application to keep your passwords safe.
npm run dev - starts application in developing node
npm run build - translate ts code into js code
npm run dev-b - starts application in developing mode with build (npm run build) before
npm run style - auto translating tailwind classes, needs to be run in separate console
- PDF: Withdrawn NIST Technical Series Publication
- Youtube: AES Explained - Computerphile
- Youtube: AES Explained (extra bits) - Computerphile
- Youtube: How to Design Secure Encryption - Spanning Tree
- Youtube: AES Key Expansion - Neso Academy
- Youtube: AES Mix Column Transformation - SK Page
- Youtube: AES Inverse Mix Column - Chirag Bhalodia
- Wikipedia: Advanced Encryption Standard
- Wikipedia: Rijndael MixColumns
- Wikipedia: Rijndael S-box
- Youtube: SP Networks - Computerphile
- Youtube: Reed Solomon Encoding - Computerphile
- Wikipedia: Finite field
- Wikipedia: Substitution–permutation network