This is a template for the analysis if RT-qPCR data aquired with qTower3 and qPCRsoft (analytikJena). Gene expression analysis is done my the standard curve method and also includes a templete for interpretation of the standard dilution data and calculation of primer efficiency.
The standard curve method is one of the most commonly used and widely accepted quantitative methods for analyzing qPCR data. It involves generating a standard curve using known concentrations of a target sequence and using this curve to determine the quantity of the target sequence (Efficiency) in the samples being tested. The method is highly accurate and precise.
The primer efficiency in the standard curve method is a measure of the effectiveness of the primers in amplifying the target sequence. It is calculated by running a dilution series of known concentrations (here a 1:10 dilutio series) of the target sequence and using the resulting amplification data to generate a standard curve. The slope of the standard curve is used to calculate the primer efficiency, which is expressed as a percentage (usually between 90% and 110%).