This repository contains the implementation for loading todos in a simple Todo App built using React. The app is designed to interact with an API to perform CRUD operations on todos.
- Implemented the functionality to load todos from the API.
- Utilized the fetchClient module to interact with the API.
- Displayed a spinner immediately when loading todos to notify the user of the ongoing action.
- Implemented error handling to display appropriate error messages in case of API errors.
- Implemented filtering functionality to filter todos by status (All / Active / Completed).
- Applied proper styling to highlight the selected filter link.
- Displayed notifications with appropriate error messages at the bottom in case of any API errors.
- Provided a close button to manually dismiss the notification.
- Automatically hid the notification after 3 seconds.
- The notification is hidden before any subsequent API requests.
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd my-project
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the development server with the following command
npm start
Open your web browser and visit http://localhost:3000 to view the application.