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🔰Insurance Recommendation System Open app in Streamlit App


This project aims to develop a recommendation platform for a leading insurance provider. The platform includes three types of recommender systems: popularity-based, content-based, and collaborative filtering. The system is designed to help users find the best insurance products tailored to their needs and preferences.


  1. Popularity-based Recommender System:

    • Recommend top N products within a specific insurance type (g).
    • Consider products with a minimum rating threshold (t).
    • Order products by ratings in descending order, ensuring each product has at least (t) reviews.
  2. Content-based Recommender System:

    • Recommend top N products based on similar product types.
  3. Collaborative-based Recommender System:

    • Recommend top N products based on "K" similar users for a target user "u".


Data Preparation

  1. Import Libraries and Load Dataset:
    • Import necessary Python libraries for data manipulation, visualization, and modeling.
    • Load the dataset containing insurance product information and user reviews.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

  1. Understanding Feature Distribution:
    • Analyze the distribution of various features in the dataset.
  2. Unique Users and Products:
    • Identify the number of unique users and products in the dataset.
  3. Average Rating and Total Products by Insurance Type:
    • Calculate the average rating and total number of products for each insurance type.
  4. Unique Insurances:
    • Determine the unique insurance types considered in the dataset.

Recommendation Modules

  1. Popularity-based Recommender System:

    • Filter products based on the insurance type and minimum rating threshold.
    • Sort products by ratings in descending order.
    • Recommend the top N products.
  2. Content-based Recommender System:

    • Use product features to find similar products.
    • Recommend top N products based on similarity to a given product type.
  3. Collaborative-based Recommender System:

    • Identify similar users based on their ratings and preferences.
    • Recommend top N products for a target user based on the preferences of similar users.

GUI Interface

  • Create a user-friendly interface using Streamlit to interact with the recommendation modules.
  • Allow users to input parameters such as insurance type, minimum rating threshold, number of recommendations, product type, and target user.

Folder Structure

  • data/: Contains the dataset used for the project.
  • notebooks/: Jupyter notebooks for data analysis, modeling, and testing.
  • src/: Python scripts for the recommendation modules and Streamlit app.
  • api/: Api code (if any).
  • models/: Trained models and saved results.
  • docs/: Output files including recommendation results and evaluation metrics.

Installation and Usage

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd Product-Recommender---Insurance
  2. Install the required libraries:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run Jupyter Notebooks: Navigate to the notebooks/ folder and open the notebooks to explore data analysis and model development.

  4. Run Streamlit Application:

    streamlit run src/