Make sure that you have the following installed:
cd client
npm install
npm start
cd ../backend
npm install
npm start
This is a MERN stack application based on Mongo DB,Express,React and Nodejs.The application is an e-commerce website that doubles-up as a dashboard where you can load retail products on to the site.The client is built with React while the backend is built with Express and Node.js.Database connection in the backend is handled by Mongo DB.
To get the app up and running,I created dockerfiles on the backend and client.
I then created a docker compose to containerize and connect the backend and client.
##Usage Ensure you have mongoDB and node installed.
Fork and clone the repository.
Run docker compose up to start the application.
To view client application,type:localhost:3000.
To stop the application,run Docker compose down.
Test out the functionality by adding a product through the provided form to test out "Add product" functionality.
Create and configure deployment.yml files.
Create and configure service.yml files.
Create and configure ingress.yml file to expose the services within the cluster.
Deploy the application on Google Kubernetes engine.