Custom Discord bot with music quiz and music playback functionality.
- Application on Spotify Developer Console in order to get valid SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID and SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET
- Bot application on Discord Developer Portal in order to get valid BOT_TOKEN
- FFmpeg
- Set bot's token
- Set parameters for proper integration with Spotify
- Run and host bot by yourself or host bot online
Bot's command prefix is ?
?kick member_mention
-> bot will kick mentioned member if you have needed permissions?ban member_mention
-> bot will ban mention member if you have needed permissions
-> bot will join voice channel you're in?leave
-> bot will disconnect from voice channel
?startquiz spotify_URI rounds
-> starts music quiz with specified number of rounds using tracks from given Spotify playlist?skip
-> vote for skip for currently playing track
?play url
-> play song from valid Youtube URL
Released under the MIT license.