Simple text based Hangman game
======= There are 2 options.
Either run There is a single player mode where the computer will choose a random word, or a two player option where player 1 can pick a word and the number of chances, and another player can guess. On the two player mode you can choose whether to have ascii art hangman on or off.
Alternatively run
This is a hangman game that can be called from a command line with different options. Call -h
for the help file.
This has all the same options as the other hangman game, but I think the implementation is neater. uses ascii_hangman.txt, a file containing the hangman ascii art. Feel free to edit this file, but leave the hangmen separated by commas.
Requires Python 2.7
The program asks for a word list, if you don't have one, it will download the one found here:
I just decided to write this program one evening, when my cousin said she had to make the game for her programming class. It was initially going to be really simple, but I got a bit carried away.