Repository supporting the comment piece The importance of capturing management in forest restoration targets
- 01_MergeExtracts.R == R-Script to process the outputs from Google Earth Engine
- 02_CalcOverlaysSummaries.R == Script to calculate Overlays and summarize them
- 03_CreateFigures.R == Main Figure script from the manuscript
- 04_CreateValidationSample.R == Script to set up randomized sample for Geo-Wiki
- 05_ValidationChecks.R == Formatting and checks of the collated validation data.
- The cleaned data collated through Geo-Wiki can be found in folder ‘Validation’.
- The folder figures contains the figures shown in the manuscript among others
- The folder resSaves contains some intermediate data created during the Analysis
- The folder GEE contains a copy of the Google Earth Engine script used for extracting and summarizing data.