A Webpack plugin to upload assets in Google Cloud Storage.
This plugin is a fork from webpack-google-cloud-storage-plugin
This fork adds the ability to set metadatas to the GCS objects (especially useful for Cache-Content). You can also upload arbitrary static directory, not related to Webpack with the
npm install --save webpack-gcs-plugin
// In your webpack.config.js
import WebpackGoogleCloudStoragePlugin from 'webpack-gcs-plugin';
module.exports = {
plugins: [
new WebpackGoogleCloudStoragePlugin({
directory: './src',
// NOTE: Array of filenames to include in the uploading process
include: ['app.js'],
// NOTE: Array of filenames to exclude in the uploading process
exclude: ['cats.js'],
// NOTE: Array of static directories (not related to Webpack) to be uploaded
staticDirs: ['./static'],
// NOTE: Options passed directly to
// Google cloud Node Storage client.
// This is mostly authentication-wise.
// For more information:
// https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-node/tree/master/packages/storage#authentication
storageOptions: {
projectId: 'grape-spaceship-123',
// keyFilename: '/path/to/keyfile.json'
// keyFileName: './examples/my-credentials.json',
// key: 'mykey',
// credentials: require('/path/to/credentials.json'),
// NOTE: Options used by
// WebpackGoogleCloudStoragePlugin
// regarding uploading.
uploadOptions: {
// Where to upload files
bucketName: 'my-bucket-name',
// NOTE: Prefix to add in the bucket file path.
// E.g: app.js => assets/v1/app.js,
// file is an object with { name:, path: }.
destinationNameFn: file =>
path.join('assets', file.path)
// NOTE: Function to set metadatas to objects uploaded to GCS
metaDataFn: file => ({
cacheContent: 'max-age=86400, s-maxage=604800, public'
// Make gzip compressed (default: false)
gzip: true,
// Make file public (default: false)
makePublic: true,
Check out the examples folder for a working demo.
Add your credentials to storageOptions
and set uploadOptions
Then you can run the demo webpack using npm run example