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Releases: MartinvonBerg/Fotorama-Leaflet-Elevation

WP 6.6, WP Admin: added GPX Track filtering

19 Jul 05:23
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Update chart.js and swiper.js to latest versions.
Added Functionality to Admin - GPX-Tracks:
The Map + Track for the selected GPX-Track is shown on the Admin Page. Several filter options (statistics with mean height and speed change, Distance smoothing and simplify.js) were added. The GPX-File is now filtered in the browser and with Button Click "Save" sent as filtered file via http(s) to the server. The server-side (back end) from WP just stores the file now.
Due to the new Functionality several bugs and inconsistencies were removed. Mainly in leafletChartJs-Files and in the AdminSettingsPage.php and admin_settings.php. The function was started with WebAssembly and Rust but later skipped, so the files are still in the repository. The translations in ./languages/*.json were updated for German only.
No need to update to 0.27.0 if 0.26.0 works fine.


21 Apr 16:16
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Added an option to show the users location on the leaflet Map. Updated swiper.js and chart.js. Minor PHP Bugfixes. Test with WP 6.5.x

WP 6.4 Ready and new chart with chart.js included

25 Nov 14:52
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  • NEW: Add chart.js as faster and lighter alternative to leaflet-elevation. Include settings for chart.js. Conflict free with other plugins using leaflet-elevation on the same page or post.
  • Update JS libraries: Swiper (11.0.4), leaflet (1.9.4), chart.js (4.4.0). Remove Cube effect to Swiper
  • BUGFIX: remove Bug in generation of YOAST-XML-Sitemap.
  • BUGFIX: remove Bug in parsing of GPX-Tracks. (use of translation was wrong)

WP 6.4 Ready (tested with RC2)

29 Oct 06:02
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PHP: Escaping for echo finalized. Translation completed ( .htaccess test output ).
Tileserver.php minor changes.
Unused funtions in fm_functions.php out commented.
Test with WP 6.4-RC2.
Cube transition in Swiper deactivated (stil usable as shortcode parameter). Does not work and did never work completely. Update of Gutenberg Block still pending. Should not be used.
Removed wp_kses_post() on Admin Pages.

Translation, WordPress Plugin Guidelines, Thumbnail bar

30 Aug 07:45
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Bugfix for File upload in Admin Section.
Removed hiding of captions on mobile devices (JS).
Changed CSS for Swiper special thumbnails.
Added translation for back-end and changed echo() and escaping html according WordPress Plugin-Guidelines.

WP 6.3. Bugfixes for GPXparser and fslightbox

11 Aug 04:48
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Test with WordPress 6.3.
BugFixes in parseGPX.php. Change gpxparser to PHP-Class. Added the combination of all included routes and tracks. Updated PHP library phpGPX to version 1.3.0 from 07 / 2023.
BugFix in Class ReadImageFolder for thumbnails for Videos in Subfolder. Add caption and thumbnails for Videos in fslightbox.

Bugfixes after test of 0.20.0

19 Jul 03:06
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New Release after testing. Bugfixes for MiniMasonry, LeafletMapClass.js, readImageFolder.php and CSS for Swiper Special Thumbbar.

Bugfixes, workaround, speed improvements for Swiper

23 Jun 18:11
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Bugfixes, workaround, speed improvements for Swiper: Tests are still running! Feel free to test and feedback!
Swiper, Thumbbar, improvement: Added option 'none' to hide the thumbbar under swiper slider (added for test purposed, but kept in code.)
Swiper+Special Thumbbar, improvement: changed loading of CSS-files for better performance and CLS.
Swiper, improvement: included Lazy Loading for images in swiperClass.js js-code because Swiper V9 removed the Lazy Loading module completely. Native browser lazy loading did not work
Swiper, bugfix: hashnavigation correction.
Swiper, Version Note: Version kept to 9.0.5. Shortly tested with 9.3.2 which did not work (TODO)
Swiper, bugfix: handling of indices between swiper, thumbbar and map corrected and improved. Swiper in Loop mode handles indices differently.
fslightbox, improvement: changed synchronous loading of images when fslightbox changes. Is done on Close of fslightbox. So users of the free version will see the updated image in Swiper as well.

Swiper.js update, Test with WP 6.2. Bugfixes

13 May 17:48
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Only for development purposes!

Swiper.js updated to 9.0.5. Lazy loading changed. Responsive image sizes added including SIMPLE Admin setting. Minor Bugfix in MiniMasonryClass. Trial with chartjs removed and new branch created. Bugfix in extractMetadata.php and AdminSettings for gpx-file upload. L
No update of Swiper.js to 9.3.1. Used version is 9.0.5. With version 9.1.0 and higher the hash navigation does no longer work. New features are not required and swiper runs without errors.

File Filter, Masonry, Settings import / export added

12 Feb 16:10
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Last working version!

Adding a filter filter based on filenames and improved sorting function.
Added am import / export function for plugin settings.
Added a simple Massonry Gallery to show images from a folder that works together with fslightbox.