The client was built around AMQP 0-9-1 protocol and provides all necessary methods to work with the RabbitMQ server.
The main idea behind this project is to dive into the protocol and write a client from scratch that could read/write binary chunks of data, interpret them according to the AMQP-0-9-1 protocol rules, and communicate with a real RabbitMQ server.
var connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
var connection = await connectionFactory.CreateConnectionAsync(options =>
options.Host = ""; // "localhost";
options.Port = 5672;
options.Vhost = "foo";
options.User = "bar";
options.Password = "secret";
var channel = await connection.CreateChannelAsync();
var exchangeName = "my-exchange";
var routingKey = "some-key";
var queueName = await channel.QueueDeclareAsync("my-queue", durable: true);
await channel.ExchangeDeclareAsync(exchangeName);
await channel.QueueBindAsync(queueName, exchangeName, routingKey);
await channel.BasicPublishAsync(exchangeName, routingKey, new Message("Hello from app!"u8.ToArray()));
var consumerId = await channel.BasicConsumeAsync(queueName, async (message) =>
Console.WriteLine($"Message: {Encoding.Default.GetString(message.Payload.Content)}");
await channel.BasicAck(message);
var message = await channel.BasicGetAsync(queueName);
if (message != null) {
Console.WriteLine($"Message: {Encoding.Default.GetString(message.Payload.Content)}");
await channel.BasicAckAsync(message);
1. Connection ✅
TODO: add support for advanced connection options
2. Channel ✅
3. Exchange ✅
4. Queue ✅
5. Basic ✅
6. Tx
Not implemented