Prometheus is a custom map for the open-source FPS/RTS hybrid game Unvanquished.
It was designed as a demonstrator for my texture set mas01.
The dev blog for the project can be found here.
To: Squad Leader – Tactical Response Unit
From: Central Command
Encryption Level: OMEGA – EYES ONLYSquad Leader,
You're being deployed to Prometheus Base.
We don’t have much intel, and what little we do have is fragmented.Prometheus is an inhospitable world—cold, barren, and endlessly battered by powerful winds.
The planet’s surface consists primarily of yellow sandstone, with a few scattered outposts spread across the terrain.
The main facility, now abandoned, was one of them.There was an incident involving a native lifeform.
Reports—what little we recovered—mention an organic, worm-like structure that breached the rear section of the vehicle bay.
The base administration initiated an investigation.According to recovered data fragments, one or more entities emerged from the breach.
Shortly after, systems started failing across the facility.
Command was left with no choice but to order an immediate evacuation.No reinforcements were sent. No distress signals were answered.
This is the last recorded transmission from the base:
[LOG ENTRY 927-A] DATE: Unknown LOCATION: Prometheus, Main Base STATUS: ABANDONED Initial breach detected in vehicle storage. Unidentified organic entity confirmed. Power failure: 87% of facility offline. Security override: FAILED. Evacuation order: ISSUED. Mission Update: Tactical response team deployed. Objective: Secure the base and neutralize threats.
That was the last communication before the base went dark.
Your mission is clear:
Secure the base.
Assess the threat.
Eliminate if necessary.There are no known survivors. Expect resistance.
And Squad Leader—whatever came through that breach, it’s still there.No reinforcements will be sent.
You’re on your own.Command out.
Layout: Designed to provide fair opportunities for both teams. Each team has an interactive element they can control. First, they must build either a drill (for Humans) or a booster (for Aliens) at the designated locations. Once activated, a red switch must be pressed to trigger the mechanism.
Humans can control a bridge, which can block or open a strategic corridor:
- Aliens can activate or deactivate a heat-conducting pipeline. When active, it deals damage, creating a hazard for all ground units:
v0.5 (08/03/2025)
-Beta, Playtest Release
Prometheus v0.5: map-prometheus_0.5.dpk
mas01-texture-set v1.0: tex-mas01_1.0.dpk
- Download map and dependencies.
- Place the
file(s) in your Unvanquished../Unvanquished/pkg/
This texture set is available for non-commercial use under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
For a detailed overview of the licensing terms, please refer to the LICENSE file.
Original Assets:
- prometheus.txt
- prometheus_sky_src/
- prometheus_sky_bk.jpg
- prometheus_sky_clouds.jpg
- prometheus_sky_color.jpg
- prometheus_sky_dn.jpg
- prometheus_sky_ft.jpg
- prometheus_sky_lf.jpg
- prometheus_sky_rt.jpg
- prometheus_sky_up.jpg
- prometheus/
- prometheus.arena
- prometheus.jpg
- prometheus.minimap
- prometheus.webp
- prometheus_custom/
- barrel_01.mtl
- barrel_01.obj
- box_01.mtl
- box_01.obj
- rocks_01.mtl
- rocks_01.obj
- rocks_01_small.mtl
- rocks_01_small.obj
- rocks_02.mtl
- rocks_02.obj
- rocks_03.mtl
- rocks_03.obj
- rocks_04.mtl
- rocks_04.obj
- rocks_05.mtl
- rocks_05.obj
- rocks_06.mtl
- rocks_06.obj
- rocks_07.mtl
- rocks_07.obj
- rocks_gradient_skybox.mtl
- rocks_gradient_skybox.obj
- rocks_misc_01.mtl
- rocks_misc_01.obj
- rocks_misc_02.mtl
- rocks_misc_02.obj
- rocks_misc_03.mtl
- rocks_misc_03.obj
- rocks_near_gradient_skybox.mtl
- rocks_near_gradient_skybox.obj
- rocks_skybox_01.mtl
- rocks_skybox_01.obj
- rocks_skybox_02.mtl
- rocks_skybox_02.obj
- rocks_sun_gradient_skybox.mtl
- rocks_sun_gradient_skybox.obj
- supply_hallway_model.mtl
- supply_hallway_model.obj
- prometheus_custom.particle
- prometheus_custom.shader
- shaderlist.txt
- prometheus_custom_src/
- barrel_01_d.crn
- barrel_01_n.crn
- barrel_01_s.crn
- barrel_top_01_d.crn
- barrel_top_01_n.crn
- barrel_top_01_s.crn
- box_01_d.crn
- box_01_h.crn
- box_01_n.crn
- box_01_s.crn
- build_spot_01_d.crn
- build_spot_02_d.crn
- pipe_02_g1.crn
- rocks01_d.crn
- rocks01_h.crn
- rocks01_n.crn
- rocks01_s.crn
- rocks04_d.crn
- rocks04_h.crn
- rocks04_n.crn
- rocks04_s.crn
- rocks_gradient_skybox.crn
- rocks_gradient_skybox_qer.crn
- sfx_smoke_01.crn
- sfx_sun_01_d.crn
- sign_01.crn
- sign_02.crn
- spark_01.crn
- water_01_d.crn
- water_01_hhm.crn
- prometheus_custom/
- sfx_silence.opus
Derivative Assets & Third Party:
- gfx/
- prometheus/
- colorgrading.webp (Unvanquished Development), GNU GPLv3, CC BY-SA 2.5)
- sounds/
- prometheus_custom/
- ambient_rumble.opus (newlocknew, Attribution 4.0)
- ambient_wind.opus (nsstudios, Attribution 4.0)
- computer_working.opus (simplen00b, Creative Commons 0)
- electric_sparks_01.opus (NachtmahrTV, Creative Commons 0)
- hard_rumble.opus (newlocknew, Attribution 4.0)
- hot_metal.opus (FiveBrosStopMosYT, Attribution 4.0); (Speedenza, Attribution NonCommercial 4.0)
- machine_01.opus (newlocknew, Attribution 4.0)
- machine_02.opus (Erdie, Attribution 4.0)
- machine_03.opus (newlocknew, Attribution 4.0)
- machine_04.opus (PrismLightSoundWorks, Attribution 4.0)
- machine_pump_01.opus (Artninja, Attribution 4.0)
- machine_pump_stop_01.opus (Artninja, Attribution 4.0)
- platform_01_stop_01.opus (finalCrystine, Attribution 3.0)
- platform_01_stop_02.opus (finalCrystine, Attribution 3.0)
- platform_01_working.opus (finalCrystine, Attribution 3.0)
- sfx_button.opus (toam, Attribution 3.0)
- water_flow.opus (maxlang7, Creative Commons 0)