- Connecting to SQLite
- Creatung Table
- Reading table's data
- Reading data by views in sql
- Storing data in sql tables
- Using sql commands
- And finaly We try to create one Graphical User Interface by tkinter
- Users
- Sells
- Buys
- Sell_details
- Buy_details
- Wares
- Brands
- Caegories
And we connect theme to each Other by foreign key as you see
and Now We Create To example views to use later
After creating the DataBase , we made a simple $\color{red}Graphical \space \color{#00E700}User \space \color{#00D4FF}Interface$ (GUI) by $\color{yellow}TKinter$
In order to cover almost many cases, we used a different object and different type of functions in sql_commands in each part
All comboboxes and other objects take items directly from the functions written in part sql_commands
Let's take a look at some of them:
import sqlite3
class DataBase:
def __init__(self, db_name):
self.db = db_name
def _connect(self):
self.conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db)
self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
# ======= Get All Customers =======================
def view_customers(self):
self.cursor.execute("SELECT ID, Name || ' ' || Family AS Customer FROM Users WHERE Is_Seller=0")
rows = self.cursor.fetchall()
return rows
# ======== Get All items From Sells Table And join With Users To Find Out Customers Name ============
def view_sells(self):
query = "SELECT S.ID,S.Total_amount,U.Name || ' ' || U.Family As FullName ,S.Date FROM" \
" Sells S INNER JOIN Users U ON S.User_ID = U.ID"
rows = self.cursor.fetchall()
return rows
The function itself updates the buy price in the (Wares Table) bye calculating average price, then updates sell price With a twenty percent increase in the average purchase price lets see it
def add_buy_details(self, id_buy, ware_id, value, price):
query = "SELECT Buy_Price,Stock FROM Wares WHERE ID={}".format(ware_id)
rows = self.cursor.fetchone()
buy_old = rows[0]
stock_old = rows[1]
new_stock = value + stock_old
new_buy = (buy_old * stock_old + price * value) / new_stock
new_sell = new_buy * 120 / 100
query1 = "INSERT INTO Buys_Details (ID_Buy,Ware_ID,Value,Price) VALUES ({},{},{},{})".format(id_buy, ware_id,
value, price)
query2 = "UPDATE Wares SET Stock={} , Buy_Price={}, Sell_Price={} WHERE ID={}".format(new_stock, new_buy,
new_sell, ware_id)
scrip = query1 + "; " + query2 + ";"
so easily :)
Thank you for reading this section