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Telegram bot handler



composer require mateodioev/tg-handler:"~5.3"
use Mateodioev\TgHandler\Bot;


Create new instance and add your command

$bot = new Bot($botToken);


// or
$bot->longPolling($timeout); // No needs server with ssl

Creating new command instance

All text commands need to extend Mateodioev\TgHandler\Commands\MessageCommand class, and put the logic in the method handle.

use Mateodioev\TgHandler\Commands\MessageCommand;
use Mateodioev\Bots\Telegram\Api;
use Mateodioev\TgHandler\Context;

class MyCommand extends MessageCommand
    protected string $name = 'start';
    protected string $description = 'Start the bot';
    public function execute(array $args = []){
         $this->api()->sendMessage($this->ctx()->getChatId(), 'Hello!!!');


This command works with /start any text here or /start. If you need another prefixes (/, !) you can add with method addPrefix or with property prefix

class MyCommand extends MessageCommand
    protected string $name = 'start';
    protected string $description = 'Start the bot';
    protected array $prefix = ['/', '!'];
    // Additionally you can add command aliases
    protected array $alias = ['help'];

// or
$myCommand = MyCommand::get();
$myCommand->setPrefixes(['/', '!']); // Set prefix, no need to set `$prefix` property

Using middlewares

You can add middlewares to your command. Middlewares will be executed before the command. All middlewares results will be passed to the command as an array with the name of the middleware as a key.

For example, you can create a middleware that will check if the user is authorized, and if not, the command will not be executed.

class MyCommand extends MessageCommand
    protected string $name = 'start';
    protected string $description = 'Start the bot';
    protected array $middlewares = [
    public function execute(array $args = []){
        $authenticatedUser = $args[AuthUserMiddleware::class];
$cmd = MyCommand::get();
$cmd->addMiddleware(new AuthUserMiddleware); // This works too

// Your middleware definition
class AuthUserMiddleware extends \Mateodioev\TgHandler\Middleware\Middleware
    public function __invoke(\Mateodioev\TgHandler\Context $ctx,\Mateodioev\Bots\Telegram\Api $api, array $args = [])****{
        $user = User::find($ctx->getUserId());
        if (!$user) {
            $bot->replyTo($ctx->getChatId(), 'You are not authorized', $ctx->getMessageId())
            throw new \Mateodioev\TgHandler\Commands\StopCommand(); // Stop command execution
        return $user; 

You can use StopCommand exception to stop command execution

Using filters

Now you can set custom filters to you event for validate, all filters need to extends the interface Mateodioev\TgHandler\Filters\Filter

use Mateodioev\Bots\Telegram\Api;
use Mateodioev\TgHandler\Context;

class FilterCommand extends \Mateodioev\TgHandler\Commands\MessageCommand
    protected string $name = 'filter';
    public function execute(array $args = []) {
        // TODO: Implement execute() method.

Now this command only respond to the user ID 996202950

Using multiple filters

use Mateodioev\TgHandler\Events\Types\MessageEvent;
use Mateodioev\TgHandler\Filters\{FilterCollection, FilterMessageChat, FilterMessageRegex};

#[FilterMessageChat(TestChat::CHAT_ID), FilterMessageRegex('/.*(filters).*/i')]
class TestChat extends MessageEvent {
    const CHAT_ID = 1111111111111;
    public function execute(array $args = []) {
        // your logic here

If your filters cannot be validated you must implement the Mateodioev\TgHandler\Commands\Command::onInvalidFilters method, this method must return true. This is optional



use Mateodioev\Bots\Telegram\Api;
use Mateodioev\TgHandler\Commands\MessageCommand;
use Mateodioev\TgHandler\Context;
use Mateodioev\TgHandler\Filters\FilterPrivateChat;

class Me extends MessageCommand
    protected string $name = 'me';

    public function execute(array $args = []) {
        // Your logic here

    public function onInvalidFilters(): bool
        $id = $this->ctx()->getUserId();

        if (isAllowed($id)) {
            // Returning true, the code inside handle method will be executed
            return true;
        } else {
            $this->api()->sendMessage($this->ctx()->getChatId(), 'Only execute this command in a private chat');
            return false;

Fallback command

If you want to execute a command when no registered command could be validated, you must register the command with the Mateodioev\TgHandler\Bot::registerCommand method, which returns an instance of GenericCommand.

    // ->add(OtherCommand::get()) // use this to register more commands
    ->setFallbackCommand(new YourFallbackCommand);
// or can use default fallback
    ->withDefaultFallbackCommand(new YourFallbackCommand);


To start a new conversation you simply return an instance of the Mateodioev\TgHandler\Conversations\Conversations in a interface of Mateodioev\TgHandler\Events\EventInterface


use Mateodioev\Bots\Telegram\Api;
use Mateodioev\TgHandler\Context;
use Mateodioev\TgHandler\Conversations\MessageConversation;

class MyConversation extends MessageConversation
    // This is optional, only for validate the user input message
    protected string $format = 'My name is {w:name}';
    public function execute(array $args = [])
            'Nice to meet you ' . $this->param('name') // Get param defined in $format, if not defined return null

EventInterface handler for this case an instance of MessageCommand

use Mateodioev\Bots\Telegram\Api;
use Mateodioev\TgHandler\Commands\MessageCommand;
use Mateodioev\TgHandler\Context;

class Name extends MessageCommand
    protected string $name = 'name';

    public function execute(array $args = [])
            'Please give me your name:',

        // Register next conversation handler
        return nameConversation::new($this->ctx()->getChatId(), $this->ctx()->getUserId());

Register the conversation


For more details see examples folder


Basic usage

use Mateodioev\TgHandler\Log\{Logger, TerminalStream};

$log = new Logger(new TerminalStream); // Print logs in terminal
$bot->setLogger($log); // Save logger

Collections of streams

use Mateodioev\TgHandler\Log\{BulkStream, Logger, TerminalStream, PhpNativeStream};

$bulkStream = new BulkStream(
    new TerminalStream(), // Print logs in terminal
    (new PhpNativeStream)->activate(__DIR__) // save logs in .log file and catch php warnings

$bot->setLogger(new Logger($bulkStream));

Set log level

use Mateodioev\TgHandler\Log\{Logger, TerminalStream};

$log = new Logger(new TerminalStream);

// disable all logs
$log->setLevel(Logger:ALL, false);
// Enable only critical, error and emergency messages
$log->setLevel(Logger::CRITICAL | Logger::ERROR | Logger::EMERGENCY);



The logger can be used from the bot or event instances (MessageCommand, CallbackCommand, etc)


$bot->getLogger()->debug('This is a debug message');
// output: [Y-m-d H:i:s] [DEBUG] This is a debug message
$bot->getLogger()->info('This is a debug message with {paramName}', [
    'paramName' => 'context params'
// output: [Y-m-d H:i:s] [INFO] This is a debug message with context params

Event instances:

use Mateodioev\TgHandler\Commands\MessageCommand;
use Mateodioev\Bots\Telegram\Api;
use Mateodioev\TgHandler\Context;

class MyCommand extends MessageCommand
    protected string $name = 'start';
    protected string $description = 'Start the bot';
    public function execute(array $args = [])
         $this->logger()->debug('Logging inside event');
         $this->logger()->info('User {name} use the command {commandName}', [
            'name'        => $this->ctx()->getUserName() ?? 'null',
            'commandName' => $this->name

// register the command

Manager errors

You can register an exception handler the will be used if an exception occurs within the Events::execute method method or in the event middlewares

// Base exception
class UserException extends \Exception

// Specific exception
final class UserNotRegistered extends UserException {}
final class UserBanned extends UserException {}

// This only manage UserBanned exception
$bot->setExceptionHandler(UserBanned::class, function (UserBanned $e, Bot $bot, Context $ctx) {
    $bot->getApi()->sendMessage($ctx->getChatId(), 'You are banned');

// This manage all UserException subclasses
$bot->setExceptionHandler(UserException::class, function (UserException $e, Bot $bot, Context $ctx) {
    $bot->getLogger()->warning('Occurs an user exception in chat id: ' . $ctx->getChatId());