ShelterMap Frontend is the client-side interface for the ShelterMap project, built to provide a user-friendly platform for shelter representatives to manage their shelters and for users to view and contribute to shelter needs. The frontend allows shelter representatives to register, log in, and manage their shelters, while enabling users to browse shelters and upvote shelters they want to support. It offers a clean, modern UI styled with Tailwind CSS.
- Dynamic Shelter Management: Shelter representatives can register, log in, and update the needs of their shelters.
- Public Shelter Browsing: General users can explore all registered shelters and see their needs in real time.
- Responsive Design: Tailored to be accessible and fully responsive on both desktop and mobile devices.
- User Authentication: Seamless login and registration system for shelter managers.
- Upvoting System: Allows users to support shelters by upvoting, highlighting shelters in greater need.
Rendering: EJS is used for dynamic HTML rendering.
Styling: Tailwind CSS is used to style the pages.
- Displays some information about the project and its functionality.
- Displays a list of all shelters with their details, including current needs.
- Users can click on shelters to view more detailed information.
- Allows shelter representatives to log in or register.
- After logging in, they can view and manage their shelters, updating their needs from a predefined list.
- Shelter representatives can add and update information for their shelters, such as location and needs.
- Consistent navigation bar with links to the homepage and profile.
- Footer contains basic information.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install dependencies:
npm install
Set up the environment variables: Create a
file for configuring variables like API URLs for backend connection, or PORT for the WebApp:PORT=3000 API_URL=http://localhost:5000/api JWT_SECRET=secret
Start the frontend server:
npm start
- /src: Main source directory containing application code.
- /views: Contains EJS files for rendering HTML pages dynamically.
- /partials: EJS partials like the header and footer for consistent layout across pages.
- /routes: Contains the route definitions for navigating the application.
- /controllers: Handles the main logic for page rendering and data processing.
- /middlewares: Middlewares for handling requests, authentication, and validation.
- /views: Contains EJS files for rendering HTML pages dynamically.
- /public: Houses static files such as images, CSS, and JavaScript.
- /css: Tailwind CSS configuration and additional styles.
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit issues and pull requests for new features, bug fixes, and improvements.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.