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Welcome to the Content For Promotion Extractor wiki!

MattCordell edited this page Jul 21, 2020 · 2 revisions

Initial Design Notes and Considerations:

Requirement to extract any variety of core components, in priority

  1. Concepts - All extension components related to a specific concept.
  2. Descriptions - Synonym improvements from an extensions, for existing concepts.
  3. Relationships - Improved concept definitions from extensions, for existing concepts.

Process for concept extractions will likely be: Process relationships first and identify any dependencies (find dependencies, and add them too)

  • get rels for concepts, and then check for any destintionIDs (or others) not on local module
  • proceed to extract from concepts, rels and description

Other process for Descriptions + Rels to be defined later.

Input Arguments:

  1. Type of components Concepts|Descriptions|Relationships
  2. List of desired components for extraction
  3. TargetSnapshot

To Be updated to Target Axioms - 4. Primary module 5. Secondary module

Argument 1 might be unnecessary, as could be inferred from input list using partitionID. However, makes things clearer and can leveraged for validation.

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