I’m Matteo Larrode, Volunteer Data Scientist at L’Equipage Solidaire, a French non-profit that delivers food and hygenic supplies to students in need at their home, for free. In this role, I had the opportunity to build my first package, packageSolidaire, a companion to pre-process our data, and to plot and map deliveries using the visual identity of the charity. I believe that data can be a powerful tool for positive change, and I am committed to using my skills to help make a difference.
I study Politics, Economics and Philosophy at University College London (UCL) with a specialization in Social Data Science. I am passionate about research and I love the mix of quantitative methods and social science questions my degree has to offer. Currently in a year abroad in Washington DC, at the George Washington University, I am taking classes in data mining, data vizualization and data analytics for International Relations. I also work with Dr. Laila Sorurbakhsh, on a quantitative study of interest group behaviour in the face of policy risk. As a side project, Dr. Emmanuel Teitelbaum and I are developing a RShiny app mapping election results in India.
During my activity as a volunteer data scientist, in academia, and through other side-projects like the #TidyTuesday challenge, I had the opportunity to gain experience in natural language processing, spatial analysis, regression and time-series analysis, in R, Python and Tableau.
Browse the code on my page, or visit my website to learn more!
💻: Coding: R, Python, Shiny, Tableau