ipysketch_lite is a simple interactive sketching tool for Jupyter notebooks. After drawing a sketch you can use it directly in your Jupyter notebook. When changes are made to the sketch, the image data in Python is updated.
You can view the documentation at: https://matthewandretaylor.github.io/ipysketch_lite
You can install using pip:
pip install ipysketch-lite
Or using piplite if you are using Jupyter lite
import piplite
await piplite.install("ipysketch_lite")
Start drawing a quick sketch in your notebook like this
from ipysketch_lite import Sketch
sketch = Sketch()
Then add a new cell to retrieve the sketch data in python
sketch.data # Sketch image data as a base64 encoded string
sketch.image # PIL Image of the sketch
Sketch data gets updated in cells after the sketch is modified. This means you can edit your sketch and get the new updated outputs