A machine learning AI trained to play my car game. link to the game
The main purpose of this project is to try to predict what keys to press based on an image.
The AI is trained on screenshots of a human playing the game. Because of this, it will try to mimic human like behavior and won't follow the optimal path. The version you can see in the preview is trained on 30000 images.
The current network is trained on a custom version of my game. The main differences are:
- The speed is limited. This enables you to hold forward without going too fast.
- A pink rectangle is drawn at the front of the car to help the network with getting the car's current direction
The AI is only trained to use the left and right keys, so you have to hold forward constantly while using the AI.
While the network isn't perfect, it is able to drive around the track without hitting the walls most of the time as seen in the preview.
To create the training data, createData.py takes screenshots of the game while you play. These images are then resized and saved in the image's folder under the directory that corresponds with the pressed key at the moment of the screenshot.
After the data is gathered, train.py is launched to train the network. When it's done it will show a graph that represents the loss and accuracy during the different epochs. The resulting network will be stored in the savedmodel folder.
predict.py reads the saved model and uses it to predict what key to press.