An unofficial desktop client for YouTube Music, with integrated lyrics from MusixMatch.
You can check out my other work here:
Download the latest release on
- Yarn package manager (1.10.0+)
- Node (v8.12.0+)
- Electron (v3.0.2+)
- Run
yarn run dist
- Resulting artifacts are in the ./dist folder.
To publish a new release artifact, you need to set GH_TOKEN
to the GitHub Token for your fork repo.
Use [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("GH_TOKEN","<YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>","User")
to do that.
Then you need to run yarn run publish
Finally you just need to publish the release on GitHub, through the releases page.
- I do NOT own YouTube Music or MusixMatch, nor am I affiliated or even endorsed by them.
- This software is provided as is, with no warranties and/or support guaranteed.