Provides RESTful API for different grid engines (e.g. SGE, SLURM)
Configuring IDEA to run grid-engine in Docker container and be able to attach the debug process
- Push the green triangle icon in the upper left corner of the Dockerfile tab (Docker IDEA plugin should be pre-installed).
- Specify the Tag name of image and Container name in Edit Run Configuration window.
- Modify the Run options adding "bind ports" and specify binding ports 8080:8080 and 5005:5005 in the corresponding fields of the Edit Run Configuration window.
- Scroll down to the bottom part "Before launch" of the Edit Run Configuration window and use "+" icon to add Gradle tasks "clean" and "assemble" to the list.
- Apply the changes and push the "Run Dockerfile" button.
- After building and running Docker container in the "Services" tab (row of tabs in the bottom line of IDEA window) you will see the sub-tab "Log" containing the log-output of running application. You need to find the line that contains "Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5005". To the right of this line you will see the link "Attach debugger" (this link seems quite pale). Follow this link and debug session will start.
- Use IDEA Debugger to debug a containerized application.