Useful websites for developers
- Amazon DynamoDB: A Scalable, Predictably Performant, and Fully Managed NoSQL Database Service
- Spanner: Google's Globally-Distributed Database
- The Vietnam of Computer Science
- Codecov: gives companies actionable coverage insights when and where they need them to ensure they are shipping quality code.
- Travis: test and deploy
- Heroku: build data-driven apps with fully managed data services.
- Deps: understand your dependencies
- Gitpod: a container-based development platform that puts developer experience first. Gitpod provisions ready-to-code development environments in the cloud accessible through your browser and your local IDE (stay tuned for a blog post with more details on that).
- Free Developer Stuff: Free Stuff/Tool/Service for Developer
- Netlify: free hosting
- freepik: Free images, icons, illustrations
- fontawesome: the most popular icon se
- JSON Web Tokens: allows you to decode, verify and generate JWT
- JSON Formatter: JSON formatting
- codepen: discover and test code
- ngrok: public URLs for localhost
- jsonplaceholder: free to use fake online REST API for testing and prototyping
- Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF): hosts critical components of the global technology infrastructure.
- CNCF Landscape: CNCF's recommended path through the cloud native landscape.
- OpenTelemetry: provides a single set of APIs, libraries, agents, and collector services to capture distributed traces and metrics from your application. You can analyze them using Prometheus, Jaeger, and other observability tools.
- OpenAPI: a broadly adopted industry standard for describing modern APIs
- OpenMetrics: an effort to create an open standard for transmitting metrics at scale, with support for both text representation and Protocol Buffers.
- OpenEBS: OpenEBS builds on Kubernetes to enable Stateful applications to easily access Dynamic Local PVs or Replicated PVs.
- Common Waekness Enumeration: a community-developed list of software and hardware weakness types. It serves as a common language, a measuring stick for security tools, and as a baseline for weakness identification, mitigation, and prevention efforts.
- OWASP: a nonprofit foundation that works to improve the security of software.
- Do Better As Code: achieve a faster feedback cycle by using the right tooling. Produce higher quality code by following good practices you already know.
- Netflix Culture — Seeking ExcellenceNetflix Culture — Seeking Excellence: document about that the Netflix culture
- Github: State of Development
- A great day out with kafka
- K3s on Raspberry Pi - Initial Setup
- HTTP Status Codes: an easy to reference database of HTTP Status Codes with their definitions and helpful code references all in one place.
- Microsoft API Design
- Google Best Practices for Java Libraries: Google Best Practices for Java Libraries are rules that minimize problems for consumers of interconnected Java libraries.
- Zalando RESTful API and Event Guidelines
- The Ion Hypermedia Type: an intuitive JSON-based hypermedia type for REST.
- Design Guidelines: several guidelines
- API Stylebook: aims to help API Designers to solve API design matters and build their API design guidelines by providing quick and easy access to selected and categorized resources.
- Google API Improvement Proposals: AIPs are design documents that summarize Google's API design decisions. They also provide a framework and system for others to document their own API design rules and practices.
- Best Practices for Building Reliable APIs
- How to design better APIs
- Monetization with Azure API Management
- How to (and how not to) design REST APIs
- Post Mortem Analyse: Post-Mortem-Analyse at Atlassian
- Postmortem culture: Postmortem Culture: Learning from Failure at Google
- 5 Whys: Analyse at Atlassian
- Postmortem action items
- Postmortem Action Items: Plan the Work and Work the Plan
- What is post-mortem?
- Regex 101: online regex tester, debugger with highlighting for PHP, PCRE, Python, Golang and JavaScript
- ShellCheck: finds bugs in your shell scripts
- iHateRegex: ready to use regex
- The Distributed Computing Manifesto
- Awesome System Design Resources
- Manifesto for Software Craftsmanship
- The Code Review Pyramid
- The Reactive Principles
- Architectural Decision Records: a software design choice that addresses a functional or non-functional requirement that is architecturally significant.
- The Reactive Manifesto
- The Twelve-Factor App: a methodology for building software-as-a-service apps
- Agile Manifesto:
- Microservice Architecture: Pattern: Microservice Architecture
- Principles of OOD: Principles of OOD from Uncle Bob
- A Manifesto for 21st-Century IT: What are the essential characteristics of this new kind of IT?
- Coding the architecture: Architecture blog
- Microservice Architecture Patterns: Microservice Architecture
- Recommendation
- On Pair-Programming
- The Onion Architecture
- Sliced Onion Architecture
- CUPID—for joyful coding
- Patterns for Decoupling in Distributed Systems: Passage of Time Event
- Data Oriented Programming in Java
- Increasing, not Diminishing: Investigating the Returns of Highly Maintainable Code
- I Know What You Did Last Summer -- An Investigation of How Developers Spend Their Time
- Code Red: The Business Impact of Code Quality -- A Quantitative Study of 39 Proprietary Production Codebases
- Elastic Leadership: a set of values, techniques, and practices to use in your leadership role.
- CodeScene
- C4 model: C4 model for visualising software architecture
- Architectural Decision Records: a software design choice that addresses a functional or non-functional requirement that is architecturally significant.
- Managing Architecture Decision Records with ADR-Tools
- ArchiMate: Architecture modeling language, a visual language with a set of default iconography for describing, analyzing, and communicating many concerns of Enterprise Architectures as they change over time.
- arc42: arc42 template for architecture documentation.
- Risk Storming: a visual and collaborative risk identification technique
- Event Storming: a flexible workshop format for collaborative exploration of complex business domains.
- Scrum-Guide: The current Scrumguide
- Scrum Games and Techniques: Games, techniques, and approaches
- The Scrum Master Checklist: an example list of things a Scrum Master should pay attention to in a typical organization.
- Lighthouse: see how well your website performs. Then, get tips to improve your user experience
- PageSpeed Insights: make your web pages fast on all devices
- GTmetrix: analize the loading speed
- WebpageTest: run a free website speed test from multiple locations around the globe using real browsers (IE and Chrome) and at real consumer connection speeds
- ESBench: shareable modern JavaScript Benchmarking
- JSBench: shareable modern JavaScript Benchmarking
- freeCodeCamp: learn to code at home
- Udacity: online university
- coursera: build skills with courses, certificates, and degrees online from world-class universities and companies
- Udemy: online learning
- PluralSight: online learning
- edX: online courses
- openHPI: Hasso-Plattner-Institut
- w3schools: web developer site
- css-tricks: learn css
- Baeldung: Java online courses
- Vlad Mihalcea: JPA
- Mozilla Developer Network : learn web development
- Mozilla JavaScript Guide
- Codecademy: learning to Code
- KataCoda: learning new technologies using real environments right in your browser
- Learning Git: the most visual and interactive way to learn Git on the web
- CodingAbbey: Collection of programming problems to practice solving, learn to program and code, and win certificates.
- CodingBat: code practice
- JetBrains Academy: learn to Program by creating working applications
- TestAutomation University: learning test automation
- modern JavaScript Tutorial
- javascript30: 30 Day Vanilla JS Coding Challenge
- Python CheatSHeet: a comprehensive Python Cheatsheet
- Git Interactive
- Markdown
- Unsplash: the internet’s source of freely-usable images.
- pixabay: free images
- Pexels: free images
- Font awesome: Get vector icons and social logos on your website
- drawkit: beautiful, free illustrations
- fontflipper: find free fonts
- JavaRevisited: Blog about Java, Programming, Spring, Hibernate, Interview Questions, Books and Online Course Recommendations from Udemy, Pluralsight, ..
- JournalDev: Java, Java EE, Android, Python, Web Development Tutorials.
- Java Code Geeks: an independent online community focused on creating the ultimate Java to Java developers resource center.
- Inside Java: News and views from the Java team at Oracle
- Piotr's TechBlog: Java, Spring, Kotlin, microservices, Kubernetes, containers
- Reflectoring: Software development tutorials, thoughts about the software craft, and tips on how to grow as a software engineer.
- InfoQ: curated and peer-reviewed content covering innovation in professional software development.
- DZone: Programming, Web Development, and DevOps news, tutorials and tools for beginners to experts.
- TheServerSide: Java developers discussing Java J2EE, java software, Java programming and other trends in server side development.
- t3n: News
- Blog von Werner VOgel (CTO Amazon)
- Google AI Blog
- Oliver Drotbohm: Java and Architecture best practice
- Josh Long: Spring Advocate
- Martin Fowler: Must-read blog
- Patterns of Distributed Systems
- A constructive and inclusive social network. Open source and radically transparent.
- Wix engineering blog: about architecture, scaling, mobile and web development, management and more
- Uber Blog
- SQl 4 Devs: a better understanding of SQL changes the database black box perception to a time saver reducing development effort.
- Design Patterns: The Catalog of Java Examples
- Java Design Patterns: Design patterns implemented in Java
- Java Design Patterns: Design patterns implemented in Java
- Design Patterns: design patterns and anti patterns
- RealWorld-Apps: see how the exact same clone (called Conduit) is built using any of our supported frontends and backends
- a curated list of awesome Java frameworks, libraries and software
- Awesome-Spring: a curated list of awesome books, tutorials, courses, and resources for the Spring framework ecosystem.
- Exception Handling: Complete Guide to Exception Handling in Spring Boot
- Best practices: Spring Boot Best Practices for Microservices
- Tips and Tricks: Spring Boot Tips, Tricks and Techniques
- Spring Boot Tutorials: 100+ Spring Boot Articles, Tutorials, Video tutorials, Projects, Guides, Source code examples etc
- Spring Boot: Best of Spring Boot Based Projects' Repositories
- Ecosia: by searching with Ecosia, you're not only reforesting our planet,
- DuckDuckGo: get seamless privacy protection on your browser for free
- Programming-Love: Lovely Podcast About Programming
- Spring Boot & htmx Demo: provide dynamic, rich application functionality without complex tools or JavaScript frameworks.
- Spring Boot Hotwire integration: Hotwire can be used just fine with Spring Boot out of the box. However, as a couple of examples have shown, it usually requires a bit of boilerplate code to be written on the server side. This library attempts to remove that boilerplate code by providing a few Spring MVC extensions that make it easy to use Thymeleaf templates and template fragments as Turbo Streams.
- Package by Feature / Package by Layer
- Field Injection
- Component Based Entities
- CQRS and Event-Sourcing
- MicroService Websites
- building-a-shop-with-sub-second-page-loads
- Event Storming
- Event Architecture
- ORM Vietnam
- GitLab's Guide to All-Remote
- End-to-end tracing with OpenTelemetry
- Apache Hudi vs Delta Lake vs Apache Iceberg - Lakehouse Feature Comparison
- The Case Against Logging
- Debezium and Quarkus: Change Data Capture Patterns to Avoid Dual-Writes Problems
- Wiring up Micronaut, jOOQ, Flyway and Testcontainers with R2DBC