v1.0.0 - Initial Release
- Ability to add a song upload blog to any page or post that supports Gutenberg
- A user will be able to upload audio to the front end
- A new Song CPT will be created
- The audio will appear in WordPress as an audio attachment post
- The audio attachment ID will be associated with a Song CPT post
The block editor controls support
- Typography - font size, line height, and textAlign
- Block alignment on page
- Color - background and text
- Spacing - margin and padding
- Heading tag - header level tag type, content, and font size
What's Changed
- Proof of concept: Upload Song Block by @MaxwellGarceau in #1
- Feature/trello 21/finish be song endpoint by @MaxwellGarceau in #2
- feat: Add create action for new song CPT by @MaxwellGarceau in #3
- Add sanitization to endpoint params by @MaxwellGarceau in #4
- fix: Attach create song action to song controller by @MaxwellGarceau in #5
- Feature/trello 29/display fe upload properties by @MaxwellGarceau in #6
- Feature/trello 29/create block admin settings by @MaxwellGarceau in #7
- Feature/trello 43/add support for edit options by @MaxwellGarceau in #8
- Feature/trello 29/style fe to same structure as edit by @MaxwellGarceau in #9
- Feature/trello 45/add typography to header by @MaxwellGarceau in #10
- Feature/trello 44/add support for align and text align by @MaxwellGarceau in #11
- Fix/trello 52/fix support for align block styles by @MaxwellGarceau in #12
- fix: Add position and small z-index on alignright and left by @MaxwellGarceau in #13
- fix/trello 63/support setting heading color by block color by @MaxwellGarceau in #14
- Fix/trello 49/multiple song upload blocks prevent song uploads by @MaxwellGarceau in #15
- Documentation/trello-40/update documentation to wrap up project by @MaxwellGarceau in #16
- Feature/trello 69/add support for spacing by @MaxwellGarceau in #17
- Feature/trello 64/prep for release by @MaxwellGarceau in #18
- Update readme.md by @MaxwellGarceau in #19
- fix/trello 71/qa fixes and notes by @MaxwellGarceau in #20
- docs/trello 71/tweak dev readme by @MaxwellGarceau in #21
- fix/trello 73/wav uploads bug and BEvalidation revamp by @MaxwellGarceau in #22
- chore: Add upload-song.zip to gitignore by @MaxwellGarceau in #23
New Contributors
- @MaxwellGarceau made their first contribution in #1
Full Changelog: https://github.com/MaxwellGarceau/songwriter-tools/commits/v1.0.0