In this repository, I will describe all the MERN Stack technology and my work process. How to connect all the technology and how to make a project by using those technologies. I will also describe my knowledge in software development as well as how I understand and how I work with my self-learning. However, most of the javascript developer they have a lot of facination about working those MERN technologies because this is the way they can learn the full-stack development in javascript. I have a lot of fascination with those technologies too. As a result, I also learned that knowledge so that I can be a good developer in javascript MERN stack. I have a little bit of knowledge on C#, Python, and Java but I am trying to enrich my knowledge every day.
Below links, I provided that will show how I process my work, the Structure and the projects I made.
Let's start the main topic of this repository work on javascript. Here I mentioned the MERN Stack, It means the four core technologies used in javascript
- MongoDB
- ExpressJS
- ReactJS
- NodeJS
Af first I try to understand all of this four core elements by my own knowledge. I will describe one by one and after that I will describe the structure about those elements. For instance, frontend, backend, Api, database, http request and so on.
From the picture, I have the idea of which technology is used for which work. MongoDB is a database solution, Express is a node framework where I will write the logic for the API, React is a library of javascript for handing user in frontend side. Last but not the least, NodeJs which is boss of all these technologies because it runs all of them.
At first, I will describe the database section. There are a lot database section in this programming world such as SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB etc. Database can be categorized into two way one is SQL and another is NoSQL.
SQL database have relational tables where I used foreign key to coneect two tables. On the other hand, NoSQL database they do not need those relational activity between tables. Most of the famous software is running on NOSQL database. On the contrary, for this repository about MERN stack development, I will always work with the mongobd database which has the facility of NoSQL activities. In addition, From the picture, I have the idea what other things i can do using this mongoDB database.
Secondly, I already mentioned Express
briefly on the top section. Moreover, I am going to describe it more into this section. In addition, Express is a node framework which is mosly used for writing logic or code in the server side. From my MVC/C# experience, I always write logic in a controller for API work I write logic in API controller. Express is kind
of that controller for MERN stack development. It has the facilities of creating functionalities, Middleware, view routing, API methods etc. Thats all, I share from my knowledge.
Thirdly, I am going to describe the ReactJS. React is a javascript library and it is built by facebook. Furthermore, most of the frontend developer use this react technology for their work. I also love react for my frontend work. It is really easy to maintain as well as I can structure it in my own way thats why I like it most. It has state manegment facilities, hooks, props, components etc. Not only it easy to structure but it also has the SPA application facilities.
Lastly, NodeJs is a Server Side runtime, its besically handles the requrest and response with the database. On the other hand, it execute the logic to the server side. As i already mentioned that Express which is used for writing logic and code and all of those code is executed by this node. In addition, nodejs intract with the database as well as files etc.
- Md Julhas Hossain
© Md Julhas Hossain, Self Learning Software Development
Licensed under the MIT License