You and your two other team members are doing your construct week project. An issue arises in your project and all three of you come up with a solution. All the three solutions are feasible and each one of you wants to implement his own solution. Hence all of you decided to roll a dice and whoever gets the maximum score will implement his solution. But the problem is you cannot roll a dice online, so you, being an active team member, decided to make an app with three dice showing a random number between 1 to 6 as described below.
🌟Create an Index.html file
🌟Create three “DIV”, which will represent three dice and show a random number between 1 to 6.
🌟First will represent score for Member A
🌟Second will represent score for Member B
🌟And third will represent score for Member C
🌟Make a button with text content “ROLL THE DICE”
🌟On pressing the button all the three dice should roll and show a random number between 1 to 6.
🌟Make a “DIV” at the top which will show the winner.
🌟First dice will have id “member-1”.
🌟Second dice will have id “member-2”.
🌟Third dice will have id “member-3”.
🌟Roll the dice button will have id “roll”.
🌟The winner showing div will have id “winner”
🌟The winning dice will be in color green.
🌟The Second scorer dice will be in yellow
🌟And the dice who scored least should be in red.
🌟In case of draw make the dice scoring equal appear blue.
- Java-Script