A plugin for home !
This plugin helps you create houses and configure them!
All plugin commands are here!Command: /sethome
Use: /sethome
Description: To create your home
Alias: /sh
Command: /home
Use: /home
Description: To teleport to your home
Alias: /h
Command: /delhome
Use: /delhome
Alias: /dh
Description: Delete your home
Command: /homelist
Description: Your home list
Alias: /hl
Command: /homecoords
Use: /homecoords
Description: Show your home coordinates
Alias: /hc
Command: /setdefaulthome
Use: /setdefaulthome
Description: Set your new home
Command: /renamehome
Use: /renamehome
Description: Set your new home
MultiHome is a plugin from FreedomSMP (A private SMP)