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[fix] fixed type solver
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- added equality constraints
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MchKosticyn committed Nov 24, 2023
1 parent 6bbb69d commit 48446d5
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Showing 7 changed files with 260 additions and 64 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion VSharp.SILI.Core/API.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -219,6 +219,7 @@ module API =
let (|TypeInitializedSource|_|) src = Memory.(|TypeInitializedSource|_|) src
let (|TypeSubtypeTypeSource|_|) src = TypeCasting.(|TypeSubtypeTypeSource|_|) src
let (|RefSubtypeTypeSource|_|) src = TypeCasting.(|RefSubtypeTypeSource|_|) src
let (|RefEqTypeSource|_|) src = TypeCasting.(|RefEqTypeSource|_|) src
let (|TypeSubtypeRefSource|_|) src = TypeCasting.(|TypeSubtypeRefSource|_|) src
let (|RefSubtypeRefSource|_|) src = TypeCasting.(|RefSubtypeRefSource|_|) src
let (|GetHashCodeSource|_|) s = Memory.(|GetHashCodeSource|_|) s
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -278,7 +279,7 @@ module API =
let TypeIsType leftType rightType = TypeCasting.typeIsType leftType rightType
let TypeIsRef state typ ref = TypeCasting.typeIsRef state typ ref
let RefIsType state ref typ = TypeCasting.refIsType state ref typ
let RefIsAssignableToType state ref typ = TypeCasting.refIsAssignableToType state ref typ
let RefEqType state ref typ = TypeCasting.refEqType state ref typ
let RefIsRef state ref1 ref2 = TypeCasting.refIsRef state ref1 ref2

let IsCast state term targetType = TypeCasting.canCast state term targetType
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion VSharp.SILI.Core/API.fsi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ module API =
val (|TypeInitializedSource|_|) : IStatedSymbolicConstantSource -> option<Type * symbolicTypeSet>
val (|TypeSubtypeTypeSource|_|) : ISymbolicConstantSource -> option<Type * Type>
val (|RefSubtypeTypeSource|_|) : ISymbolicConstantSource -> option<heapAddress * Type>
val (|RefEqTypeSource|_|) : ISymbolicConstantSource -> option<heapAddress * Type>
val (|TypeSubtypeRefSource|_|) : ISymbolicConstantSource -> option<Type * heapAddress>
val (|RefSubtypeRefSource|_|) : ISymbolicConstantSource -> option<heapAddress * heapAddress>
val (|GetHashCodeSource|_|) : ISymbolicConstantSource -> option<term>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -177,7 +178,7 @@ module API =
val IsNullable : Type -> bool
val TypeIsRef : state -> Type -> term -> term
val RefIsType : state -> term -> Type -> term
val RefIsAssignableToType : state -> term -> Type -> term
val RefEqType : state -> term -> Type -> term
val RefIsRef : state -> term -> term -> term
val IsCast : state -> term -> Type -> term
val Cast : term -> Type -> term
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80 changes: 61 additions & 19 deletions VSharp.SILI.Core/TypeCasting.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,28 +60,52 @@ module internal TypeCasting =
| _ -> None
| _ -> None

type private symbolicTypeEqualSource =
{ address : term; targetType : Type }
interface IStatedSymbolicConstantSource with
override x.SubTerms = List.singleton x.address
override x.Time =
override x.TypeOfLocation = typeof<bool>

let (|RefEqTypeSource|_|) (src : ISymbolicConstantSource) =
match src with
| :? symbolicTypeEqualSource as s -> Some(s.address, s.targetType)
| _ -> None

let private makeSubtypeBoolConst left right =
let subtypeName = sprintf "(%O <: %O)" left right
let subtypeName = $"({left} <: {right})"
let source = {left = left; right = right}
Constant subtypeName source typeof<bool>

let rec commonTypeIsType leftType rightType =
let boolConst left right = makeSubtypeBoolConst (ConcreteType left) (ConcreteType right)
isConcreteSubtype leftType rightType makeBool boolConst
let private makeTypeEqBoolConst ref typ =
let name = $"(typeof<{ref}> = {typ})"
let source = {address = ref; targetType = typ}
Constant name source typeof<bool>

// left is subtype of right
let typeIsType = commonTypeIsType
let rec typeIsType leftType rightType =
let boolConst left right = makeSubtypeBoolConst (ConcreteType left) (ConcreteType right)
isConcreteSubtype leftType rightType makeBool boolConst

let commonAddressIsType leftAddress leftType targetTyp =
let addressIsType leftAddress leftType targetType =
let typeCheck address =
let boolConst address =
match address.term with
| ConcreteHeapAddress _ -> False()
| _ -> makeSubtypeBoolConst (SymbolicType address) (ConcreteType targetTyp)
commonTypeIsType leftType targetTyp ||| boolConst address
| _ -> makeSubtypeBoolConst (SymbolicType address) (ConcreteType targetType)
typeIsType leftType targetType ||| boolConst address
Merging.guardedApply typeCheck leftAddress

let addressIsType = commonAddressIsType
let addressEqType address addressType targetType =
let typeCheck address =
let boolConst address =
match address.term with
| ConcreteHeapAddress _ -> False()
| _ -> makeTypeEqBoolConst address targetType
if addressType = targetType then True()
else boolConst address
Merging.guardedApply typeCheck address

let typeIsAddress leftType rightAddress rightType =
let typeCheck rightAddress =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,23 +138,33 @@ module internal TypeCasting =
let rightType = address.TypeOfLocation
typeIsType typ rightType
| Union gvs -> Merging.guardedMap (typeIsRef state typ) gvs
| _ -> internalfailf "Checking subtyping: expected heap reference, but got %O" ref
| _ -> internalfailf $"Checking subtyping: expected heap reference, but got {ref}"

let rec commonRefIsType state ref typ =
let rec refIsType state ref typ =
match ref.term with
| HeapRef(addr, sightType) ->
let leftType = Memory.mostConcreteTypeOfHeapRef state addr sightType
commonAddressIsType addr leftType typ
addressIsType addr leftType typ
| Ref address ->
let leftType = address.TypeOfLocation
typeIsType leftType typ
| Union gvs ->
let commonRefIsType term = commonRefIsType state term typ
Merging.guardedMap commonRefIsType gvs
| _ -> internalfailf "Checking subtyping: expected heap reference, but got %O" ref
let refIsType term = refIsType state term typ
Merging.guardedMap refIsType gvs
| _ -> internalfailf $"Checking subtyping: expected heap reference, but got {ref}"

let refIsType = commonRefIsType
let refIsAssignableToType = commonRefIsType
let rec refEqType state ref typ =
match ref.term with
| HeapRef(addr, sightType) ->
let leftType = Memory.mostConcreteTypeOfHeapRef state addr sightType
addressEqType addr leftType typ
| Ref address ->
let leftType = address.TypeOfLocation
makeBool (leftType = typ)
| Union gvs ->
let refEqType term = refEqType state term typ
Merging.guardedMap refEqType gvs
| _ -> internalfailf $"Checking subtyping: expected heap reference, but got {ref}"

let rec refIsRef state leftRef rightRef =
match leftRef.term, rightRef.term with
Expand All @@ -148,9 +182,9 @@ module internal TypeCasting =
addressIsType leftAddr leftType rightType
| Union gvs, _ ->
let refIsRef term = refIsRef state term rightRef
Merging.guardedMap refIsRef gvs
Merging.guardedMap refIsRef gvs
| _, Union gvs -> Merging.guardedMap (refIsRef state leftRef) gvs
| _ -> internalfailf "Checking subtyping: expected heap reference, but got %O" ref
| _ -> internalfailf $"Checking subtyping: expected heap reference, but got {ref}"

type symbolicSubtypeSource with
interface IStatedSymbolicConstantSource with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,6 +220,14 @@ module internal TypeCasting =
| _ -> notMock()
| ConcreteType l, ConcreteType r -> typeIsType (fillType l) (fillType r)

type symbolicTypeEqualSource with
interface IStatedSymbolicConstantSource with
override x.Compose state =
let address = Memory.fillHoles state x.address
let targetType = Memory.substituteTypeVariables state x.targetType
let addressType = Memory.typeOfHeapLocation state address
addressEqType address addressType targetType

let private doCast term targetType =
match term.term, targetType with
| Ptr(address, _, indent), Pointer typ -> Ptr address typ indent
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47 changes: 38 additions & 9 deletions VSharp.SILI.Core/TypeSolver.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,8 +38,10 @@ module TypeStorage =

// TODO: move this to SolverInteraction and parse all pc at once
let addTypeConstraints (typesConstraints : typesConstraints) conditions =
let equalityConstraints = Dictionary<term, HashSet<Type>>()
let supertypeConstraints = Dictionary<term, HashSet<Type>>()
let subtypeConstraints = Dictionary<term, HashSet<Type>>()
let inequalityConstraints = Dictionary<term, HashSet<Type>>()
let notSupertypeConstraints = Dictionary<term, HashSet<Type>>()
let notSubtypeConstraints = Dictionary<term, HashSet<Type>>()
let addresses = ResizeArray<term>()
Expand All @@ -60,6 +62,8 @@ module TypeStorage =
match term.term with
| Constant(_, TypeCasting.TypeSubtypeTypeSource _, _) ->
internalfail "TypeSolver is not fully implemented"
| Constant(_, TypeCasting.RefEqTypeSource(address, typ), _) ->
add equalityConstraints address typ |> next
| Constant(_, TypeCasting.RefSubtypeTypeSource(address, typ), _) ->
add supertypeConstraints address typ |> next
| Constant(_, TypeCasting.TypeSubtypeRefSource(typ, address), _) ->
Expand All @@ -70,6 +74,8 @@ module TypeStorage =
internalfail "TypeSolver is not fully implemented"
| Negation({term = Constant(_, TypeCasting.RefSubtypeTypeSource(address, typ), _)}) ->
add notSupertypeConstraints address typ |> next
| Negation({term = Constant(_, TypeCasting.RefEqTypeSource(address, typ), _)}) ->
add inequalityConstraints address typ |> next
| Negation({term = Constant(_, TypeCasting.TypeSubtypeRefSource(typ, address), _)}) ->
add notSubtypeConstraints address typ |> next
| Negation({term = Constant(_, TypeCasting.RefSubtypeRefSource _, _)}) ->
Expand All @@ -89,8 +95,10 @@ module TypeStorage =
for address in addresses do
let typeConstraints =
(toList equalityConstraints address)
(toList supertypeConstraints address)
(toList subtypeConstraints address)
(toList inequalityConstraints address)
(toList notSupertypeConstraints address)
(toList notSubtypeConstraints address)
typesConstraints.Add address typeConstraints
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,6 +229,15 @@ module TypeSolver =
| GenericCandidate gc ->
gc.AddConstraints constraints |> GenericCandidate

let private candidatesFromEquality equalityConstraints validate =
assert userAssembly.IsSome
let userAssembly = userAssembly.Value
assert(List.length equalityConstraints = 1)
let t = List.head equalityConstraints
assert(validate t |> Option.isSome)
let types = Candidate t |> List.singleton
candidates(types, None, userAssembly)

let private typeCandidates getMock subst constraints (makeGenericCandidates : Type -> genericCandidate option) =
assert userAssembly.IsSome
match constraints.supertypes |> List.tryFind (fun t -> t.IsSealed) with
Expand All @@ -243,7 +260,9 @@ module TypeSolver =
| Some c -> chooseCandidate constraints subst c
| None -> None

let equal = constraints.equal
match constraints.subtypes with
| _ when List.isEmpty equal |> not -> candidatesFromEquality equal validate
| [] ->
let assemblies = getAssemblies()
enumerateNonAbstractTypes constraints.supertypes (getMock None) validate assemblies
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -289,23 +308,30 @@ module TypeSolver =
genericCandidate.TryCreate typedef depth (makeParameterSubstitutions childDepth)

let private refineMock getMock constraints (mock : ITypeMock) =
let constraintsSuperTypes = constraints.supertypes
let hasPrivateSuperType = List.exists (TypeUtils.isPublic >> not) constraintsSuperTypes
if hasPrivateSuperType then None
let supertypeConstraints = constraints.supertypes
let equalityConstraints = constraints.equal
let subtypeConstraints = constraints.subtypes
let hasPrivateSuperType = lazy (List.exists (TypeUtils.isPublic >> not) supertypeConstraints)
let hasEqualityConstraints = lazy (List.isEmpty equalityConstraints |> not)
let hasSubtypeConstraints = lazy (List.isEmpty subtypeConstraints |> not)
let canNotBeMocked = lazy (List.exists (canBeMocked >> not) supertypeConstraints)
let nonSuitable =
|| hasEqualityConstraints.Value
|| hasSubtypeConstraints.Value
|| canNotBeMocked.Value
if nonSuitable then None
let mockSuperTypes = List.ofSeq mock.SuperTypes
let supertypes =
if List.isEmpty constraintsSuperTypes then mockSuperTypes
else List.concat [mockSuperTypes; constraintsSuperTypes] |> List.distinct
if List.isEmpty supertypeConstraints then mockSuperTypes
else List.concat [mockSuperTypes; supertypeConstraints] |> List.distinct
let numOfSuperTypes = List.length supertypes
let numOfMockSuperTypes = List.length mockSuperTypes
assert(numOfSuperTypes >= numOfMockSuperTypes)
let changedSupertypes = numOfSuperTypes <> numOfMockSuperTypes
let mockConstraints = {constraints with supertypes = supertypes}
let satisfies =
List.isEmpty constraints.subtypes
&& (mockConstraints.IsContradicting() |> not)
&& List.forall canBeMocked constraints.supertypes
let satisfies = mockConstraints.IsContradicting() |> not
if satisfies && changedSupertypes then getMock (Some mock) supertypes |> Some
elif satisfies then Some mock
else None
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -387,8 +413,10 @@ module TypeSolver =
let decodeTypeSubst (subst : substitution) = CommonUtils.decodeTypeSubst subst typeParameters
let collectVars acc constraints =
let acc = constraints.equal |> List.fold collectTypeVariables acc
let acc = constraints.supertypes |> List.fold collectTypeVariables acc
let acc = constraints.subtypes |> List.fold collectTypeVariables acc
let acc = constraints.notEqual |> List.fold collectTypeVariables acc
let acc = constraints.notSupertypes |> List.fold collectTypeVariables acc
constraints.notSubtypes |> List.fold collectTypeVariables acc
let typeVars = Array.fold collectTypeVariables List.empty typeParameters
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -435,6 +463,7 @@ module TypeSolver =
let private refineStorage getMock (typeStorage : typeStorage) typeGenericArguments methodGenericArguments =
let mutable emptyCandidates = false
let constraints = typeStorage.Constraints
assert constraints.IsValid()
let addressesTypes = typeStorage.AddressesTypes
let newAddresses = Dictionary<term, typeConstraints>()

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