Takes in first, last, or both names of the Professor, calls RMP API and outputs information.
I placed all the functions used for calling the API and parsing it in a class, making it easier for other students in different universities to use this bot if necessary. This can be used for ANY school on Rate My Professor. Simply change the current school ID(sid) to the school you want to scrape when creating the class.
from newsearch import University
def searchFull(name):
UA = University(YOUR SCHOOL ID)
Aside from that, the commands are:
This takes in a First and Last name, passes it to the searchFull function and outputs information from RateMyProfessor about the person searched.
?search Eric Woods
This command is used if the user only remembers the first or last name of the professor.
?ns eric
This is a comparision feature, used to compare two professor's reviews side by side.
?compare "Eric Woods" "Eric Fowler"
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.