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iOS Kit for FramerJS

iOS Kit was created to make prototyping for iOS fast and easy without compromising the quality or customization.

There are three core pieces that make up iOS Kit. There is the foundational elements that help iOS Kit mold to devices. There is the component library that’ll save you time by providing native iOS offerings, and then there’s the supporting functions that help power the foundation & components.

Table of Contents

## Setup To setup the kit, add the file to your modules folder in your project.

In Framer Studio, write – ios = require 'iOSKit'

You can write any variable name you'd like, but for the purposes of this guide we'll be using ios.

## Foundational Elements
### Dynamic Layout

The most fundamental piece of this module is Dynamic Layout. Dynamic Layout is a robust layout engine that’ll not only help make positioning layers easier and smarter, it'll will make positioning layers across devices possible.

#### The Point In Dynamic Layout, like in iOS, everything is based around the point instead of the pixel. The exact number of pixels will change from device to device, but the number of points will not. There's a simple equation for finding points.

1pt = 1px * scale

Side note: you can also use the built-in functions. #returns 3 points on iPhone 6 and 2 points on iPhone 6 plus ios.px(1) #returns 2 pixels on iPhone 6 and 3 pixels on iPhone 6 plus


As we get away from using pixel positioning, we won't be using x & y based positioning. Instead, we'll be setting things called constraints. When you set a constraint, it's like saying that a layer can't go beyond a certain position. There are four constraints for positioning: leading, trailing, top, and bottom.

To set a leading & top constraint on a box, write this –

layer = new Layer
layer.constraints = 

This will position the layer at x:20, y:20 on iPhone 6, and x:30, y:30 on iPhone 6 plus.

Side note: you can also do this on one line if you'd prefer using this syntax. Just replace the layer.constraints line from above with this line. You'll still need to run the ios.layout function.

layer.constraints = {top:10, leading:10}
Setting Opposing Constraints

If you set a leading & trailing or a top & bottom, Dynamic Layout will do its best to honor the constraints, which will mean the height/width will need to be adjusted. For example, if you set the constraints of a layer to leading: 0 and trailing:0, the layer's width will be adjusted to the device's width.

WARNING - If you set too many opposing constraints, I'm not sure what'll happen. Best of luck. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Try to just set no more than one of each constraint.


One of the most powerful things of Dynamic Layout is relationships. Relationships allows you to link a layer onto another layer in a variety of ways.

#####Positioning Relationships

When you declare a constraint, you can set a constraint as a layer instead of an integer. For example, if you have two layers (boxA & boxB) you can set boxB's top as boxA.

boxB.constraints = 

This will stack the boxes so that boxB's top edge is constrained to below boxA, but what if you want a little buffer? That's really easy. We'll use a little different syntax with wrapping the layer and buffer in brackets.

boxB.constraints = 
	top:[boxA, 10]

This will set boxB's top edge to 10 points below boxA.

#####Center Relationships

There are a couple other types of constraints that'll help make positioning layers even easier. There are two centering constraints: verticalCenter, horizontalCenter. These constraints will only accept just a layer as a constraint.

For example, if you'd like boxB to be horizontally centered on boxA, write this:

boxB.constraints = 
	top:[boxA, 10]

This will set boxB 10 points below boxA, and it'll center it within boxA on the x-axis. The other centering constraint verticalCenter will work simliarly center boxB within boxA on the y-axis. If you've set a top/bottom constraint, it'll ignore those constraints.

#####Align Relationships ![]( The last type of relationships will allow you to align any edge of layer onto another layer's edge. To do this, there are four constraints at your disposal: leadingEdges, trailingEdges, topEdges, and bottomEdges. These layers, like centers, will not accept anything other than another layer.

If you'd like to align boxB's trailing edge onto boxA's trailing edge, write this:

boxB.constraints = 
	top:[boxA, 10]
#### Animating Constraints You can animate between constraints by running ` ios.animateLayout()`.
  • target (optional) Layer or Array of layers
    When set, this will only animate the target layers with updated constraints. When this is not set, it'll animate all layers with their updated constraints.
  • curve, curveOptions, delay, repeat, colorModel String
    Each of these properties will work the same as native animations
  • time Num
    This will be the time of each layer's animation, not the entire animation of all the layers.
  • stagger Num
    This will put an incremental delay across all layers being animated.
  • fadeOut Boolean or Layer
    When set to true, this will animate all layers' opacity to 0. When set to a layer, that layer's opacity will be set to 0.
  • fadeOut Boolean or Layer
    When set to true, this will animate all layers' opacity to 1. When set to a layer, that layer's opacity will be set to 1.


If we have a bunch of layers in a column and we want them to all move up, we can set the topLayer's constraint to 50, and all the layers with a relationship with topLayer will also move up. = 50 ##Set a new constraint


Note: When updating a constraint on a layer, please be careful on your syntax. Writing layer.constraints = will wipe out your previous object.

This will wipe out your top constraint.

topLayer.constraints = 
topLayer.constraints = 

Where as, this will keep your top constraint.

topLayer.constraints = 
topLayer.constraints.leading = 20
####Size Constraints You can also set height/width constraints just like above. This will ensure that your layers will remain a particular size. One big difference in setting a height/width constraint over a property height/width is that you'll need to set the height/width constraint in points.
boxB.constraints = 
	top:[boxA, 10]
####Understanding ios.layout() This function only need to be called once for all constraints. It'll cycle through all the layers in order of creation, and it'll fulfill all constraints.

#####When to call it You'll need to call it before any x/y positions are referenced. If you have a function that's based off another layer, you'll need to call ios.layout before that positioning is stored otherwise it'll be wrong or 0. Once you call ios.layout(), it'll set the position to the accurate position.

#####Mixing up the queue ios.layout will accept layers in the parathesis. This will layout only that layer and ignore all other constraints. This is to be used if a layer created after others needs to be laid out before others.

ios.layout(boxB) This will only layout boxB and not boxA.
You may also want to play with the creation order if you're having issues with relationships.

### Real device override This module is meant to make prototyping look real, and one of things that prevents this is when you open a prototype that was built for an iPhone 6 on an iPhone 6+. If you do this, you’ll end up seeing a lot of white space. When this module is on, your frame will be overridden by the device in your hand, so the iPhone 6+ will no longer see the iPhone 6 frame. Using Dynamic Layout will ensure that your prototype looks presentable at every size.

For this to work properly, you'll need a full-screen browser. I use & recommend Frameless.

### Device details library You’ll now be able to refer to a set of new variables that’ll allow you to get more details on the device.
ios.scale # returns 1,2,3
ios.height # returns the height of the device in pixels
ios.width # returns the width of the device in pixels
ios.device # returns one of the device names below 
	ipad # for any iPad other than the pro
	ipad-pro # for the iPad Pro
	iphone-5 # for iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, and iPhone SE
	iphone-6s # for iPhone 6 & 6s
	iphone-6s-plus # for iPhone 6 plus & 6s plus
## System components These are easy to implement & fully customizable native iOS components. The idea is that implementing native iOS components should be easy & quick, so that you can spend the time working on what makes your prototype unique.

Every component in this module was written to feel native to Framer, so the way you create components should feel as familar as creating a new layer. The difference is that in addition to Framer properties there's added customization parameters, which will be accepted, and any component that can accept constraints from Dynamic Layout is able to.

After creation, components will operate as native layers under the variable name you declared. The only difference is the sublayers of the component are accessible via dot notation, so it's easier for you to turn on event listeners etc.

##### Action string shortcuts To provide even more customization, any string in an action context can have these prepended shortcuts.

-b - bold string
-g - make string green
-r - make string red
-rb - make string blue
-lb - make string light blue
-o - make string orange
-p - make string pink
-y - make string yellow
-#000000 - change color to any 6 digit hex code.


Alerts are blocking notifications that will force the users to address the alert before continuing.


  • title String
    Embolded text at the top.
  • message String
    Body text before actions.
  • actions Array of Strings
    Series of actions that can be taken on the alert.


alert = new ios.Alert
	message:"Don't do this"
	actions:["OK", "Cancel"]


alert : {
		alert.actions : { OK, Cancel }

Listening to Actions

To listen to different actions, you can use dot notation if it's a single word or brackets for any case

  • Dot notation
    alert.actions.OK.on Events...
  • Square bracket notation
    alert.actions["OK"].on Events...


The banner is a non-blocking notification. Typically, the banner will send you to a specific screen in an app.


  • title String
    Embolded top text
  • message String
    Body text
  • time String
    time string that appears next to title.
  • icon Layer
    This will put the layer inside the banner and size it accordingly. By default, it's a green box.
  • duration Integer
    This will override the time before the banner animates-out. By default, this is set to 7.
  • animated Boolean
    When set to true sheet will animate-in.

**NOTE - ** The banner will be, by default, draggable. If you drag down, it'll reset, and if you drag up it'll dismiss & destroy the banner.


banner = new ios.Banner 
	title:"Time to do something"
	message:"Don't miss out"


banner : {

Listening to actions

To make the banner clickable, you can write -

banner.on Events... 


Button is a small versatile component that handles press states automatically.


  • text String
    Sets button text
  • buttonType String
    Can be text, big, small
  • style String
    Can be light, dark, or custom
  • backgroundColor Hex Color
    Will set the background on big buttons.
  • color Hex Color
    Sets small and text colors.
  • fontSize Integer
    When custom, sets the fontSize style property.
  • fontWeight Integer
    When custom, sets the fontWeight style property.
  • blur Boolean
    On big buttons, this will turn it slightly opaque and add background blur.
  • superLayer Layer
    set the passed layer as the super layer.
  • constraints Constraints Object
    will set constraints using Dynamic Layout.


button = new ios.Button


button: {

Listening to buttons

Listening to buttons is no different than normal framer.
button.on Events...


The field is a versatile input for the keyboard. Please note, this is not a HTML field.


  • text String
    Adds text by default to the field.
  • placeholderText String
    Sets the placeholder text.
  • placeholderColor Color String
    Sets the placeholder text color.
  • borderRadius Integer
    Sets border radius of field.
  • borderWidth Integer
    Sets border width.
  • borderColor Color String
    Sets border color.
  • color Color String
    Sets text color.
  • backgroundColor Color String
    Sets field background color.
  • width Integer
    Sets width in points.
  • height Integer
    Sets height in points.
  • constraints Constraints Object
    Will set the field's constraints and run layout using Dynamic Layout
  • textConstraints Constraints Object
    Will set the text's constraints and run layout using Dynamic Layout


	field = new ios.Field
		placeholderText:"Enter a name or email address"


field: {
	# after touchEnd event
	field.keyboard { 
		... Keyboard Schema

####Listening to keys inside of a field In order to listen for the return key or any other key, you'll need to wrap it up in a touch event since the keyboard only exists after the field is being touched.

field.on Events.TouchEnd, ->
	field.keyboard.keys.return.on Events...


The keyboard is a fully rendered component that mimics the native iOS keyboard. It'll adapt to all devices. (Not currently supported on iPad Pro)


  • returnText String
    Overrides the text on the return button.
  • returnColor Hexcode String
    Will set the return button color
  • animated Boolean
    Will determine if the keyboard is animated in. By default, this is set to false.


board = new ios.Keyboard
	returnText = "Done"
board: {
	board.keysArray #contains all keys A-Z in array object
	board.keys {
		board.keys.a - board.keys.z
	# if on iPad


Listening to Keys

You can listen to keys using dot notation or square bracket notation.

  • Dot notation
    board.keys.return.on Events...
  • Square bracket notation
    board.keys["return"].on Events...


The sheet is quick action list. The sheet component is super simple to create.


  • actions Array of strings
    Series of actions that can be taken on the sheet.
  • animated Boolean
    When set to true sheet will animate-in.
  • description String
    When declared, a small grey text will appear at the top of the sheet. By default, this will not appear.
  • cancel String
    This will override the label on the dismiss button.

**NOTE - ** The cancel button will always animate-out. You don't have to add any additional code to handle/animate that.


sheet = new ios.sheet 
	actions:[“-r Delete, Edit, Share”]
	description:"Do something"


sheet : {
	sheet.actions : {"-r Delete", Edit, Share}

Listening to actions

To listen to different actions, you can use dot notation if it's a single word or brackets for any case

  • Dot notation
    sheet.actions.Share.on Events...
  • Square bracket notation
    sheet.actions["-r Delete"].on Events...
## Status Bar

The status bar allows users to see the connection, current time, and battery.


  • carrier String
    Carrier name ex. Verizon/Orange/FramerJS
  • network String
    network strength ex. 3G/LTE. Only will be showed when a carrier is set. By default, this is set to the wifi icon. Upon setting carrier, this will be set to LTE.
  • battery Integer
    Battery percentage - this will change the battery icon
  • signal Integer(0 - 5)
    Changes number of filled/unfilled dots. Zero will set the singal to "No Network"
  • style String
    Dark is black text. Light is white text.
  • clock24 Boolean
    By default, it's set to false, so it's a 12 hour clock with AM/PM. When set to true, the clock will cycle through 0-23 hours and removes AM/PM.


statusBar = new ios.StatusBar


statusBar : {
## Navigation Bar

The navigation bar is made up of 3 elements, two actions and a title.


  • right Layer or String or Bool
    A layer or string will appear on the right side of the navigation bar. If you do not want a right action, set this to false.
  • left Layer or String
    A layer or string will appear on the left side of the navigation bar. You can add a < to show a back arrow.
  • title String or Tab
    You can either pass a string that'll appear as the title on the Nav. You can also pass a tab object. If you pass a tab, the navigation bar's title will be the label of the tab.
  • blur Boolean
    If set to true, the bar will be slightly opaque and have a background blur applied. By default, this is set to true. If false, the bar will be solid white without a blur.


nav = new ios.NavBar 
	left:"< Back"


bar: {

Listening to actions

To listen to different actions, you can use dot notation if it's a single word or brackets for any case

  • Dot notation
  • Square bracket notation


Tabs are light-weight objects that fit into the tab bar component.


  • label String
    name of tab
  • icon SVG String
    only accepts an SVG string


home = new ios.Tab
	icon:"< svg>...< /svg>"


home: {

####Adding contents to a tab Creating a tab will give you access to tab.view. In this case, you'll have home.view. When the home tab is active only those layers inside of home.view will be shown.

discovery = new Layer superLayer:home.view

The discovery layer will only be shown when the home tab is active in the tab bar.

## Tab Bar

The tab bar is comprised of multiple tabs. It'll handle switching of tabs and views.


  • tabs Array of tabs
    Add the tabs you made to this array
  • activeColor String
    This is the color that will be shown on the active tabs and label.
  • inactiveColor String
    the color that will be shown on inactive tabs and labels.


tabBar = ios.TabBar tabs:[home, discovery, profile], activeColor:"#blue", inactiveColor:"grey"

Listening to Tabs

Tab switching is automatically given, so there shouldn't necessarily be anything you need to do. If you'd like to do something additional when a user clicks a tab, you can reference your tab object.


A dynamic text object that'll automatically size for you.


  • text String
    Adds text by default to the field.
  • fontSize Integer
    Sets font size in points.
  • fontWeight Integer
    Sets font weight.
  • fontFamily String
    Sets font family.
  • lineHeight Integer
    Sets line height in points. It's automatically done if left unset.
  • textTransform String
    Sets text-transform style property.
  • opacity Integer
    Sets opacity.
  • width Integer
    Sets width in points.
  • height Integer
    Sets height in points.
  • constraints Constraints Object
    Will set the text's constraints and run layout using Dynamic Layout


	text = new ios.Text
		text:"Try iOS Kit for Framer JS"
## Supporting Functions These are a set of functions that were created to help provide functionality to various elements of this module. I opened them up, so if you by chance need any of these functions you can use them.

ios.update(layer, styleArray)

This was specifically intended for text objects. If the html or style of a text object is altered, the width/height of the object would be incorrect. With ios.update, you'll be able to pass your changes in while also resizing the text layer.

ios.update(headerOne, [text:"Done!"] & ios.px(int)

These functions will automatically convert pixels -> points and points -> pixels. # will return 3 points on an iPhone 6
ios.px(6) # will return 12 pixels on an iPhone 6

####ios.clean(string) This will remove any space or bracket HTML syntax from a string. ios.clean("Hi,&nbsp;how&nbsp;are&nbsp;you?<br>") returns "Hi, how are you?"

####ios.svg(svg path) This does a series of things: it'll rewrite the SVG path into points, and it'll provide variables to set the layer's height and width.

svgObj = ios.svg(svgPath)
svgObj.svg = # is the new SVG path in points
svgObj.height = # is the value for the height of the layer
svgObj.width = # is the value for the width of the layer 

####ios.changeFill(layer, color) This only works with layers with a SVG path. This will change the SVG fill to whatever color is passed.

####ios.capitalize(string) This will capitalize only the first letter of the entire string.

print ios.capitalize("welcome to the party") #returns "Welcome to the party"

####ios.getTime() Fetches the current time and returns a neatly organized time object with some humanization.

time = ios.getTime()

print time.month # prints "April"
print # prints "12"
print # prints "Tuesday"
print time.hours # prints "10"
print time.mins # prints "33"
print time.secs # prints "1"

####ios.timeDelegate(layer, clock24) This sets up a reoccuring task at the top of every minute to update whatever layer passed to the current time. If clock24 is set to true, it'll return 24-hour clock values. If set to false or omitted, it'll return 12-hour clock values.

####ios.timeFormatter(timeObj, clock24) This will create a time string for screen display. It'll return a hours-minutes string based on the clock24 object.


This changes the color words to be set to iOS default colors in place of web color defaults. If it's a hexcode, it'll set the hexcode. If invalid, it'll return a grey hexcode.

Supports - red, blue, pink, grey/gray, black, white, orange, green, light blue/light-blue, yellow

ios.color("light-blue) # returns "#54C7FC"


Add background blur to any layer using -webkit-backdrop-filter. Make sure that whatever layer you use is using rgba with an alpha set below 1.


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