This is a news application project developed using the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture. The app fetches news data from the Digiato website, with a custom backend developed by me. The backend is hosted on my server, and the news updates in real-time whenever there is an update on the Digiato site.
splash Screen light | home Screen light |
category Screen light | video Screen light |
Profile Screen light |
splash Screen dark | home Screen dark |
category Screen dark | video Screen dark |
Profile Screen dark |
Splash Screen Implemented using 'MotionLayout' with custom loading animations.
Shimmer Effect Shimmer Effect: Used for loading indicators to enhance user experience.
Dependency Injection Dependency Injection: Implemented using Hilt for efficient dependency management.
Caching By Room Caching: News data is cached to ensure availability when the user is offline.
Custom Divider Custom Divider: Implemented for RecyclerView items to enhance UI.
Navigation Navigation: Managed using the Navigation Component.
DataStore Save Theme Data Storage: Implemented using DataStore for persistent storage.
Theme Support Theme Support: Includes both dark and light modes, ensuring icons and text adapt to the selected theme.
Database Database: Implemented using Room with TypeConverter and Database for data management.
Coroutines Coroutines: Used for asynchronous operations to ensure smooth performance.
LiveData LiveData and Flow: Used for observing data changes and managing data streams.
Entity and DAO Entity and DAO: Implemented in Room for efficient data caching.
Custom Fonts Custom Fonts: Added throughout the project using the Calligraphy library.
Network Dependency Network Dependency Injection: Custom implementation for managing network dependencies.
Material Design 3 Material Design 3: The project adheres to Material Design 3 guidelines.
Persian Calendar Persian Calendar: Implemented for users needing a localized calendar.
Custom Views Custom Views: Developed specific custom views to enhance the UI/UX.
Purpose: The primary goal of this project is to demonstrate the implementation of data caching and other modern Android development practices.
- MVVM Architecture
This project follows the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture pattern for a clear separation of concerns and better testability.
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