This project was created within the Google Summer of Code 2019 global program and it has been primarily designed to complete the Code Challenge
required by the 52°North organization.
This client is quite simple in its design, being built entirely on the MVVM architectural pattern to allow quick robustesse and scalability to potential changes.
Providing a WPS server url to the client, it will fetch all the process summaries and will display them in a list, allowing the user to select each process to get slightly more detailed data about it. This implementation is only done with the GetCapabilities
The WPS client is still lacking some of the functionalities of the WPS Standard such as the DescribeProcess
function or the Execute
function. It is although not required by the organization challenge and will not be implemented any sooner to stay within the bounds required by the organization.
There are two clients that share the same model base, the standalone client build only with WPF, and the ArcGIS Pro Add-In built on top of the ArcGIS Pro SDK.
MIT License