This repo contains just billing system for SmartVPN project. All further documentation in this repo relates only to billing system.
If you are looking for general documentation about the whole SmartVPN please visit Mehonoshin/smartvpn repo.
The docker image is built automatically on every merge to master. You can always pull the latest version of the image from Docker Hub.
docker pull mexx/smartvpn-billing
For more information about the builds visit docker hub page mexx/smartvpn-billing
- Clone repo
git clone
cd smartvpn-billing
cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml
and enter the username and password for access to your database.cp .env.sample .env
- The file
contains all the env variables used in the application. bundle install
rake db:setup
rails server
- Clone repo
git clone
cd smartvpn-billing
docker-compose -f docker-compose.development.yml up
cp .env.sample .env
- Edit your
- Go to
How to run usual RoR command into docker
docker-compose -f docker-compose.development.yml up
docker-compose exec app bash
- connect to running container as named appRAILS_ENV=test ./bin/rake db:setup
- setup test database./bin/rails console
- run rails consoleRAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rspec spec
- start rspec tests
How it works :)
- To get admin access you can go to http://localhost:3000/admins/sign_in
- Email:
- Password:
Other accounts created during seeding can be found at: