New activity log for Yoast SEO extension & improved coverage
Release notes: WP Activity Log 4.1.4: New activity log for Yoast SEO extension & improved coverage
New features
- Activity Log for Yoast SEO extension.
- Plugin detects plugin updates done via a zip file (new feature in WordPress 5.5)
New Yoast SEO activity log event IDs
- ID 8826: user has enabled / disabled the Redirect Attachment URLs in the Yoast SEO plugin.
- ID 8827: Usage tracking has been enabled / dsabled.
- ID 8828: The REST API: head endpoint setting was enabled / disabled.
- ID 8829: The social profile URL was added / modified / deleted.
- ID 8830: User changed the taxonomies settings to show in search results.
- ID 8831: Chaged the SEO title template for a taxonomy type.
- ID 8832: Changed the meta description template for a taxonomy type.
- ID 8833: Enabled or disabled the display of Author or Date archives.
- ID 8834: Configured the plugin to show the Author or Date archived in the search results.
- ID 8835: Changed the SEO title template for the Author or Date archive pages.
- ID 8836: Changed the Meta description template for the Author or Date archive pages.
- ID 8837: Enabled / disabled the setting to show SEO settings for specific taxonomy types.
Refer to the complete list of activity log event IDs for more detailed information.
- Improved the overall coverage and how events of changes in Yoast SEO plugin and YoastSEO metabox are reported.
- Implemented a single email class that is now used by all email features in the plugin.
- Updated Freemius SDK to the latest version (2.4.0).
- Improved the detection mechanism of installed third party plugins used for the activity log extensions notifications.
- Consolidated all activity log extensions code - now all third party plugins extensions use the same code.
- Improved the plugin's activation process on multisite network.
- Plugin only shows file changes notifications if the Website File Changes Monitor plugin is installed.
- Plugin prompts user to save unsaved changes in settings page before switching pages.
- Improved plugin & activity log permissions on multisite network.
- System information file updated to retrieve settings from the wp_options table.
- Removed all the obsolete event IDs from the Enable/Disable events section.
- Updated a number of filters/hooks calls that were calling deprecated ones.
- Removed all the obsolete code which was used for the old wp_wsal_options table.
- The handling of disabled event IDs is now done more efficiently, via filters.
- Improved the session db adaptor which was causing errors in specific edge cases.
- Branded the notifications for third party plugins extensions and improved the text.
- Improved the first-time install wizard CSS to correctly display the list of required extensions for third party plugins.
- Removed event ID 2106 (plugin updated post) and ID 8823 (Yoast SEO date snippet) because they were made redundant.
- Moved all remaining bbPress code to the Activity Log for bbPress extension.
- Added check to prevent identical search filters from being saved.
Bug fixes
- Removed the old version check from the wp_wsal_options table.
- Reset plugin settings was not deleting all the settings.
- Reports UI was not loading in a mixed content environment.
- Unkown object was reported in event ID 6034 (user purged activity log).
- Custom login page message was not shown in specific edge cases.
- Addressed a number of errors that were appearing during WooCommerce setup.
- List of IP addresses in event ID 1005 (users has multiple logged in sessions) was incorrect.
- Plugin was generating an error when changing the WooCommerce store address on a multisite network.
- Event ID 1000 reported twice on websites using the OptimizeMember plugin.
- Third party plugins detection was not detecting all plugins on multisite network.
- Built-in email notifications couldn't be disabled after they were enabled.
- Notifications to install third party plugin extensions were shown in sub sites on a multisite network.
- Event ID 1000 (user login) was reported even when user was excluded from the logs.
- Data picker obscured by autocomplete in notifications.
- Fixed conflict with MyCred plugin (widget sensor was killing ongoing widget requests).