Code for the tear fluid project Made by Clara Meijs
In this folder:
- gsea_v3.Rmd: the Markdown file with the code for the gsea analysis
- New_dataset_ALS_tear_fluid.Rmd: the Markdown file with the code for the the preprocessing, the data visualizations, differential expression analysis, and supervised learning
- Regression_models.Rmd: the Markdown file with the code for the the preprocessing, the data visualizations, differential expression analysis, and supervised learning of the OLD dataset
- proteomics_modelling_uni_and_multivariate.Rmd: the Markdown file with the code for the experiment where we perform feature selection based on univariate modeling.
- Sanity_check.Rmd: the Markdown file with the code where we investigate a discrepency between the analysis in DE in Perseus and my analysis in R.
- Western_blot.Rmd: the Markdown file with the code for the multivariate modelling with the Western blot data.