E-commerce website that uses the latest technologies,database model for back end creatin,deleting,updating also categories.A walkthrough video that demonstrates the functionality of the e-commerce back end
- Javascript
- Node.js
- Mysql
- Sequelize
E-commerce website that uses the latest technologies SO THAT my company can compete with other e-commerce companies
- Clone the repo
- run npm init
- run npm i dotenv package,MySQL2, Sequelize
- create a .env file
- copy and past for .env file
DB_USER='your MySQL username'
DB_PW='your MySQL password
- MySQL shell run
source db/schema.sql
- run "npm run seed" to seed data
- npm start /node server.js
- for testing options recommend insomnia
- Menderes koc
Made With Passion©️2022 Mendere Koc